Thenet usercommand is most of the time used in Windows Server to manage Active Directory users. Windows 10/11 uses a new Settings pane to manage users, but thenet usercommand is still useful for some tasks. For example, if you want to activate the built-in Administrator account, it is ...
or /help-- displays the help text for the Net User command. 显示帮助命令 /active:yes|no-- this commands activates (yes), or deactivates (no) the specified user account. 激活某个用户, 在Windows 10中, 默认本地管理员administrator为禁用状态. 此命令常用来激活此用户 /add-- will add the sel...
Iusethenetusercommand,Iwritesomeofthecommonlyused functionsbelow,andthenwhenIforgettocomebacktosee. Netuser[passwordor[/add][options][/domain]*] Netuser Usernameaccountname Passwordassignorchangepasswords Passwordprompt /domainexecutesinadomain /addcreatesanaccount ...
Adds or modifies user accounts, or displays user account information. Net useris a command-line tool that is built into Windows Vista. To runnet user, open a command prompt, typenet userwith the appropriate parameters, and then press ENTER. ...
net use [{<DeviceName> | *}] [\\<ComputerName>\<ShareName>[\<volume>]] [{<Password> | *}]] [/user:[<DomainName>\]<UserName] >[/user:[<DottedDomainName>\]<UserName>] [/user: [<UserName@DottedDomainName>] [/savecred] [/smartcard] [{/delete | /persistent:{yes | no}}] net...
[password | *]] [/user:[domainname/]username] [[/delete] | [/persistent:{yes | no}]] 参数介绍: (1) 键入不带参数的net use列出网络连接。 (2) devicename指定要连接到的资源名称或要断开的设备名称。 (3) //computername/sharename服务器及共享资源的名称。
Net useris a command-line tool that is built into Windows Vista. To runnet user, open a command prompt, typenet userwith the appropriate parameters, and then press ENTER. For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.
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