接着重启电脑,用新设置的密码登录,没问题的话就成功啦!记得把密码设成容易记住的,不然下次又得重复这个步骤了。如果你用的是 Mac 电脑,也别怕。开机后按住 Command+R 进入恢复模式,选择“实用工具”>“Terminal”,输入“resetpassword”命令,按照提示修改密码即可。总之,无论是 Windows 还是 Mac,忘了密码...
(set):指定一个或一组文件,可使用通配符,如:(D:\user.txt)和(1 1 254)(1-1 254),{“(1 1 254)”第一个"1"指起始值,第二个"1"指增长量,第三个"254"指结束值,即:从1到254;“(1 -1 254)”说明:即从254到1} command:指定对第个文件执行的命令,如:net use命令;如要执行多个命令时,命令这...
The saved configuration file will be erased. Are you sure? [Y/N]:Y//确定删除保存的配置文件 ...
command:指定对第个文件执行的命令,如:net use命令;如要执行多个命令时 ,命令这间加:& 来隔开 command_parameters:为特定命令指定参数或命令行开关 IN (set):指在(set)中取值;DO command :指执行command 参数:/L 指用增量形式{(set)为增量形式时};/F 指从文件中不断取值,直到取 完为止{(set)为文件时,...
'DayOfWeek' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.. 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file 'OleDbConnection' is not defined. 'ReportViewer' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms' 'Server does not support secure connections'...
"Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet length, complexity, or history requirements of the domain." "User must change password at next logon" settings "value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range" error when trying to edit attribute...
Register, confirm email, and reset password Run the web app, and test the account confirmation and password recovery flow. Run the app and register a new user Check your email for the account confirmation link. SeeDebug emailif you don't get the email. ...
信息net share 查看本地开启的共享net share ipc$ 开启ipc$共享net share ipc$ /del 删除ipc$共享net share c$ /del 删除C:共享net user guest 12345 用guest用户登陆后用将密码改为12345net password 密码 更改系统登陆密码netstat -a 查看开启了哪些端口,常用netstat -annetstat -n 查看端口的网络连接情况,...
如果在尝试生成面向 iOS 或 Mac Catalyst 的 .NET MAUI 应用时收到“在 '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' 处找不到有效的 Xcode 应用捆绑包”错误消息时,请尝试Xcode 目前未安装或找不到中所述的解决方案。 如果仍然无法访问“Xcode”>“首选项”>“位置” >“命令行工具”下拉列表,请运行以下命令: ...
the parameters are restored to the default settings. 1.Perform this operation under the guidance of technical support engineers. 2.Improper configurations will cause controller reset and service interruption. Suggestion: Before performing this operation, ensure that you perform this operation under the gu...