net use \\IP\ipc$ "" /user:"" (一定要注意:这一行命令中包含了3个空格) 2)建立非空连接: net use \\IP\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名" (同样有3个空格) 3)映射默认共享: net use z: \\IP\c$ "密码" /user:"用户名" (即可将对方的c盘映射为自己的z盘,其他盘类推) 如果已经和目标建立了...
The project is a port of the java based barcode reader and generator library ZXing. It has been ported by hand with a lot of optimizations and improvements. The following barcodes are supported by the decoder: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Cod...
The method takes the type of the remote object and a URL that includes both the HTTP path to the remote server and port and the object's URI. In the previous sample code, NWSales is the virtual directory you defined when you decided to use IIS as the activation agen...
依赖于这些异常的应用程序可以通过将 AppContext 开关 Switch.System.Security.Cryptography.UseLegacyFipsThrow 设置为 true来还原以前的行为。 有关详细信息,请参阅托管加密类不会在 FIPS 模式下引发 CryptographyException。使用更新版本的 ZLib从.NET Framework 4.5 开始,clrcompression.dll 程序集使用 ZLib(用于数据...
根據預設,ServicePointManager.ReusePort 屬性會是 false,除非 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 登錄機碼的 HWRPortReuseOnSocketBind 值設定為 0x1。 若要在 HTTP 連線上啟用本機埠重複使用,請將 ServicePointManager.ReusePort 屬性設定為 true。 這會導致來自 HttpClient 和HttpWebRequest 的所有傳...
If a direct connection is impossible (typically if the relay service failed to correctly identify the service address), the connection is aborted. For direct connections, the service needs to also open up port 819 on its machine (something that may involve a one-time user prompt). ...
A ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT ASP.NET Core 3.0.0-s verziójában az ANCM által kitöltött környezeti változót a ASP.NET Core 3.0.1 és 3.1.0 Előzetes verzióban módosítottuk ASPNETCORE_ANCM_HTTPS_PORT . UseHttpsRedirection ezen kiadásokban is frissült, hogy megértse az új...
To make migration easier, I suggest you target the .NET Framework as long as possible during your migration, use API Port to identify porting issues, and only make the big switch when most are addressed. This way, you don’t have the problem of having to deal with a code base that ...
Blorc.OpenIdConnect - The right way to use OpenID Connect on Blazor. Blazor-WASM-AzureAD-gRPC - Blazor WASM, Azure AD, REST & gRPC. BlazorWasmOidcKeycloak - Blazor WebAssembly application using OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication with Microsoft Identity and Keycloak. Quiz manager secured by Aut...
.UseStartup<Startup>(); } } 需要配置的地方其实就是程序中被我注释掉的地方,如下 .UseKestrel(o => { o.Listen(IPAddress.Loopback,5080);//HTTP port //o.Listen(IPAddress.Loopback, 5443); //HTTPS port }) 这段代码里可以看到有两个o.Listen(),o.Listen(IPAddress.Loopback, 5004) 就是进...