If you attempt to configure a timer value that is out of range (not supported), the switch displays an error message. The following is a list of sample error messages: server-timeout—ERROR: RADIUS server response timeout out of range (1..120 sec) quiet-period—%% Invalid number detect...
2. Would you please provide the detailed error message about "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" with screenshot?Might similar case, we can refer to it. How do I deal with NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID in Chrome? https://superuser.com/questions/1083766/how-do-i-deal-with-neterr-cert-au...
zerombr# Disk partitioning information## Your disk should be 32GB: 1GB for /boot and 30GB for the physical volume## Journal for boot is not required therefore ext2part /boot --fstype="ext2" --ondisk=sda --size=1024 --label=boot --mkfsoptions="-m 0" --fsoptions="rw,nodev,noexec,...
- GUI: Admin Access: restart sshd if password is changed (otherwise, the old will be used until reboot) - GUI: Admin: JFFS: add more info about possible errors, fix minor html problems - GUI: Tools: IPerf: two modifications move initialization to earlyInit() to avoid flickering when ...
invalid root parameter for kernel results in: setuproot: error mounting /proc: No such file or directory other reinstall grub to mbr: grub-install <device> recreate initrd: mkinitrd <filename> <kernel version> fix corrupt filesystem: fsck <partition> if fsck is unable to locate a superb...
关闭SELinux的两种方法 SSH修改端口报错 error: Bind to port xxx on failed: Permission denied.解决方法 Linux重装后登录远程显示access denied Linux下/etc/ssh/sshd_config文件详解 SSH配置文件ssh_config和sshd_config区别 Linux centos下php安装cphalcon扩展的方法 linux 不删除文件,清空文件中内容的命令...