I uninstalled npcap v 1.75 and replaced it with version 1.71. Since then, when I install npcap, the program appears normally in the program manager, but when I type net start npcap in a console in administrator mode, I get the message The service name is invalid. ...
可以理解为, pcap是一种文件格式(其实是一种接口格式),其名称来源于“抓包”(packetcapture) 而libpcap是 类Unix系统中的一个函数库, 可以解析和处理pcap格式的文件.Windows上有类似的实现(WinPcap,npcap) (pcap 是早期的网络抓包格式, 下一代抓包格式叫pcapng,二者可以通tcpdump或wireshark互转,使用libpcap解析p...