usingDeviceDetectorNET.Parser;varbotParser=newBotParser();botParser.SetUserAgent(userAgent);// OPTIONAL: discard bot information. Parse() will then return true instead of informationbotParser.DiscardDetails=true;varresult=botParser.Parse();if(result!=null){// do not do anything if a bot is dete...
AWSSDK.FraudDetector Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that makes it easy to identify potentially fraudulent online activities such as online payment fraud and the creation of fake accounts. Amazon Fraud Detector uses your data, machine learning (ML), and more than 20 years of ...
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A baixa intensidade do sinal, interferência de redes sobrepostas ou pontos de acesso mal posicionados podem degradar o desempenho. Para ir à raiz desses problemas, você precisa de um monitor de rede WiFi que forneça informações em tempo real e ajude a otimizar a cobertura. Ao ...
detector.Extension;//真实扩展名 detector.MimeType;//MimeType detector.FormatCategories;//格式类别 默认支持的文件类型 http://Asp.NetMVC和Asp.NetCore的支持断点续传和多线程下载的ResumeFileResult 在http://ASP.NETCore中通过MVC/WebAPI应用程序传输文件数据时使用断点续传以及多线程下载支持。
popular and reliable developers. The file has been scanned using various anti-virus Apps like Shield, Norton, Avast and AVG. The file is also tested on the emulator and TurstGo Ad Detector App for any malicious nature. And from our test, we can assure you that the App is Safe to ...
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