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Net Promoter© Score (NPS) Question Highlight Question Signature Question Video Response Question Unmoderated User Testing Question Tree Testing Question Interview Selector Question Advanced Questions Pre-Made Qualtrics Library Questions Formatting Questions Formatting Answer Choices Page Breaks Respon...
顾客推荐率(Net Promoter Score,NPS)是一种用于衡量客户满意度和忠诚度的指标。它通过简单的问题来评估客户对于公司或产品的推荐意愿,从而判断客户的忠诚度和未来行为。 NPS的问题通常是:“在一个0到10的评分尺度上,您对我们的公司/产品有多大可能会推荐给其他人?”根据回答的分数,客户可以被分为三个类别: 评分为...
1. NPS 指标是什么?NPS(Net Promoter Score),中文为净推荐值,是目前用来衡量客户体验的核心指标...
In the Scoring Model drop-down, select Net Promoter Score.Select the level you want to apply to each answer option, Promoter, Passive, or Detractor. Click Save Scoring Model Values.The report for the question will now update with the NPS scoring model applied. ...
The Net Promoter Score Question How to Calculate Net Promoter Score Once the data is collected, Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of 0-6 responses (Detractors), from the percentage of 9 and 10 responses (Promoters) to the “Would Recommend” question in your surve...
Master the Net Promoter Score (NPS) concept and its importance in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Learn how to calculate and interpret NPS to refine your customer experience strategy, boost brand advocacy, and drive long-term business success.
The net promoter score’s calculation is based on a customer survey. The survey asks only one question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely would you recommend our product/service to other people?” Based on their responses, all respondents are broken down into three categories: ...
Net promoter score(NPS) is a metric used in sales and marketing to evaluate customer experience and loyalty. Organizations can also use an NPS to evaluate training and other employee programs. An NPS is calculated using one question, answered on a scale of 0-10: How likely are you to recom...