net profit vs contribution margin 英 美 [net ˈprɑːfɪt ˈvɜrsəz ˌkɑːntrɪˈbjuːʃn ˈmɑːrdʒɪn]网络 净利对边际贡献 ...
profit marginn. 1. 利润率 2.【经】 利润幅度 margin of profit【经】 利润边际, 利润限度 contribution margin income statement【经】 边际贡献收益表 相似单词 VS虚拟内存(=virtual storage) 一种技巧,允许使用者将直接存取存储器视为主存储器的延伸,于是造成系统有很大存储器的假像。
profit margin n. 1. 利润率 2.【经】 利润幅度 margin of profit 【经】 利润边际, 利润限度 net margin 净利,净利 net profit 纯利润 net profit to net worth 【经】 资本净利 margin profit on sale 销售利润边标 close margin of profit 少量的利润 average profit margin 平均资金利润率 ...
Gross profit margin is the profit remaining after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue. It expresses the relationship of profit to revenue as a percentage. Net profit margin is the profit that remains after subtracting both the COGS and operating expenses from revenue....
Net Profit Margin vs. Gross Profit Margin Gross profit marginis the proportion of money left over from revenues after accounting for the cost of goods sold (COGS). COGS measures the cost of raw materials and expenses associated directly with creating the company’s primary product, not including...
06 Net Profit Margin 净利润率 把净利除以销售总额所得的一项财务比率。(又称“纯利润百分比”) 07 Net Realizable Value 可实现净值 1. 在正常业务运作中,估计的售价减去可以合理预测的完工与处置成本。 2. 应收账款减去坏账准备。 08 Net Working Capital ...
Gross Margin vs. Profit Margin Both gross and profit margins provide valuable insight into the financial health of a business. These values measure how effective a company currently is at earning a profit based on the goods and services sold. The difference between the two involves the factors ...
1.毛利率(GrossProfitMargin) 计算方法:毛利率=毛利润/销售收入*100% 毛利率=销售收入-直接成本 财务状况评估:一般来说,高毛利率显示了良好的财务状况,因为这意味着企业能够保留更多收入以支付其他费用。 2.净利润率(NetProfitMargin) 计算方法:净利润率=净利润/销售收入*100% ...
#经济学上的定义:指企业实现净利润与销售收入的对比关系,用以衡量企业在一定时期销售收入获取的能力。该指标反映能够取得多少营业利润。 净利率的计算公式?净利率 (Net Profit Margin)=净利润/营业收入×100%净利润 (Net Profit)=利润总额×(1-所得税率)利润总额 (Total Profit)=营业利润+营业外收入-营业外支出...
Net profit margin is a key metric that investors and analysts use to evaluate a company’s financial performance. A high net profit margin indicates that a company is efficient and is able to generate a lot of profit from its sales. A low net profit margin, on the other hand, may indica...