网络每股净资产 网络释义 1. 每股净资产 周股票综合数据 ... 每股营业利润 Operating Profit Per Share每股净资产Net Asset Per Share元/股 NAPSadj ...|基于16个网页 例句 释义: 全部,每股净资产
earnings per share,net profitattributable to equity holders of the parent for the year is [...] 稀釋每股收益的分子以歸屬於本公 司普通股股東 的當 期淨利潤,調整 下述因素後確 定:(')當期已確認為費用的稀釋性潛在普通股的利息;(')稀 ...
Hong Kong's I-Cable Communications reports net profit a year sooner than expected.(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included) PENGARUH DIVIDEND PER SHARE, RETURN ON EQUITY DAN NET PROFIT MARGIN TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PERUSAHAAAN INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR YANG TERCAT... ...
earning per share- the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock windfall profit- profit that occurs unexpectedly as a consequence of some event not controlled by those who profit from it cleanup,killing- a very large profit ...
表明公司没有现金分红,这是正常的。1.英文名称:Dividend Payout Ratio 中文名称:股息支付率 公司所派发股息占公司净利润的比率,计算方式为:每股股利除以每股收益。由此比率的变动能看出公司的股利发放政策以及对未来成长的预期。2."Dividend payout ratio一般是在40%-60%"的意思就是公司拿出当年净...
9.Distribution of part of a company's net profit to shareholders . Usually expressed as a number of cents per share. 股东所获得的公司部分净利润分配。通常,红利表示为每股一定金额数。 10.For those who want to understand the real operating conditions of the people business, net profit is likely...
na.纯利润 网络净利润 网络释义 1. 净利润 ...venue)、毛利润(gross-profit)、净利润(net-profit)、P/E ratio、股价(share price)等等,要求考生对该公司的业绩(p…|基于8个网页 释义: 全部,纯利润,净利润
市盈率与市净率(Price earnings ratio and net profit ratio)Many of the price level of stock valuation methods, some are complicated, some very fancy a little cool, but I love this one simple truth, love is not gorgeous boastful; for the stock is so, the valuation of the value of the ...
In the calculation of diluted earningsper share,netprofit attributable to equity holders of the parent for the year is adjusted for the [...] 稀釋每 股收益的 分 子以歸 屬於本公司普通股股東 的當 期淨利潤,調整 下述因素後確定:(')當期已確認為費用的稀...