Examples include- Freeway loop sensor data. Washington State DOT operatesmore than 7,000 inductive loop detectors along freeways in Wash-ington state (24); it also shares its 20-s aggregated single loopdata via FTP. Data are automatically fetched by the data down-load module every 20 s and...
The ConfigurationFile property specifies an XML file that contains settings used to configure the application running in the domain. Examples of settings in the application configuration file include assembly versioning rules and information about how to locate types th...
This is called covariance, because the arrows in each of the two examples point in the same direction. We started with two types, Manager and Employee. We made new types out of them, IEnumerable<Manager> and IEnumerable<Employee>. The new types convert the same way as ...
The following examples demonstrate using these new APIs. For Mutex: Copy var rights = MutexRights.FullControl; string mutexName = "MyMutexName"; var security = new MutexSecurity(); SecurityIdentifier identity = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinUsersSid, null); MutexAccessRule accessRul...
Transactional NPS examples Amazon:Amazon sends out transactional NPS surveys after customers make a purchase. The survey asks customers how likely they are to recommend Amazon to a friend or colleague. Amazon uses the results of these surveys to improve its customer experience, such as by making ...
of significant improvements to CPU usage, increased requests per second(RPS), better thread pool usage, reduced binary sizes, faster startup time, simplified dependency management, lowered future technical debt, reduced infrastructure cost, and most importantly: engineering satisfaction and productivity. ...
(a single method with multiple signatures) are used. First, they can be used when a method needs to accept arguments that vary in their types. The canonical examples of this type in the Framework are the methods of the System.Convert class. For example, the ToString method includes 18 ...
The primary function of the code productivity tool ReSharper is to provide performance optimization of code. It enables developers to keep track of profiles and stop memory leaks. It is an autonomously liberating unit runner decompiler. DotCover, a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool, ...
(which are typically driven by the cost of using a fuel, such as gas or coal) to set electricity prices, and those prices serve as incentives to build capacity. But that arrangement will not work in a system in which generation assets have no marginal costs or low ones...
Gross profit assesses a company's ability to earn a profit while managing its production and labor costs. As a result, it is an importantmetricin determining why a company's profits are increasing or decreasing by looking at sales, production costs, labor costs, and productivity. If a company...