2.净现值指数(NPVI)或净现值率(NPVR——NetPresentValueRate)计算公式: 评价准则:对单方案,NAV≥0,可行;多方案比选时,NAV越大的方案相对越优。说明:NAV与NPV的评价是等效的,但在处理某些问题时(如寿命期不同的多方案比选),用NAV就简便得多。第四章经济效果评价指标与方法④净现值最大准则与最佳经济规8第四...
Nella tabella che segue viene illustrata la parte di MethodDef a cui fa riferimento il token di metadati che descrive il metodo Add. Benché questo assembly includa altre tabelle di metadati, ciascuna con i propri valori univoci, viene qui discussa solo questa tabella....
module->GetFunctionFromToken(methodDef, function); return S_OK; } } return E_FAIL; 最后,一旦有了目标引用,就可以直接将方法与我们的字符串参数一起调用: pEval->CallFunction(function, 1, &value); 此时,我们的代码将被加载并处于我们的目标进程中。剩下的就是从已加载的程序集中调用静态方法: ... ...
Handles MyBase.Load If Not IsPostBack Then Dim defPeriod As Integer = Integer.Parse( _ ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Blog_DefaultPeriod")) Dim fromDate = Date.Today.Subtract(New TimeSpan(defPeriod -_ 1,0,0,0)) BlogCalendar.SelectedDates.SelectRange(fromDate, Date.Today) BindData() ...
With this change, the files are only created for C# projects that contain XAML files and utilize the XamlAppDef build action and those files are deleted with the Clean task. [392996, System.Workflow.Runtime.dll, Bug, Build:3694] Prevented vulnerabilities based on misuse of serialized Activity...
// Error checking code removed for brevity mdMethodDef functionTokenToGetNameFor; hr = activeFunction->GetToken( &functionTokenToGetNameFor ); hr = activeFunction->GetModule( &activeModule ); // Get a metadata interface so we can hook up to the symbol reader hr = activeModule->GetMetaDat...
def buildId = System.hasProperty("buildId") ? System.getProperty("buildId") : "UNKNOWN_BUILD" def currentUser = System.hasProperty("user.name") ? System.getProperty("user.name") : "UNKNOWN_USER" String stableRunId = new BigInteger(64, new Random(gitSha.intValue() + buildId.hashCode(...
CMiniTableDef是表示元数据表定义的结构,里面保存了表的字段、大小、行数,其中行数是我们用来恢复.NET头的。 structCMiniColDef{ BYTE m_Type;// Type of the column.BYTE m_oColumn;// Offset of the column.BYTE m_cbColumn;// Size of the column.};structCMiniTableDef{ ...
kubeadm join --token abcdef.0123456789abcdef \ --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:7bcdc310d7f92752ba1675a2b83460b891b817f4209c452a61697a36d042436a \ --control-plane 1. 2. 3. 加入work节点: kubeadm join --token abcdef.0123456789abcdef \ --discovery-...
对于浅层网络,每个残差结构的第一层和第二层卷积核个数一样,故是1 # 定义初始函数 # in_channel输入特征矩阵深度,out_channel输出特征矩阵深度(即主分支卷积核个数) def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, stride=1, downsample=None): # downsample对应虚线残差结构捷径中的1×1卷积 super(Basic...