sales,operating income和net income的区别:1、sales是销售额。销售额是指纳税人销售货物、提供应税劳务或服务,从购买或接受应税劳务方或服务方收取的全部价款和切价外费用,但是不包括向购买方收取的销项税额以及代为收取的政府性基金或者行政事业性收费。2、operating income是营业收入。营业收入是从事主...
Operating income and net income are both essential measures of business success. They both measure expenses but in different ways. Operating income measures the cost of a business’s everyday operations, while net income measures the cost of operating a business plus any non-operating expenses, su...
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 sales就是利润表第一行的Gross revenue然后减cost of sales,加other income 减 depreciation 减operating expenses得到的operating income (一般也就是EBIT)然后减interest expense 减income tax最后得到利润表底数 就是net income. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
net operating income approach 净营业收益估值法,净营业收益估值法 net railway operating income 铁路运营纯收入 operating income 经营收入,经营收入 net income 净收益,净收益,净所得,净所得 income net 净收益,净收益 net income to net sales 净收入与销货净额比率,净收入与销货净额比率 ratio of ...
EBIT)。接着,从Operating Income中减去利息费用,这是企业借款的财务成本。然后,计算所得税,这是根据企业利润按照税法规定应缴纳的税费。经过这两步计算,最终得出的就是净利润,也就是利润表底部的"Net Income",它反映了企业的实际盈利状况,是投资者和管理者关注的核心指标。
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 sales就是利润表第一行的Gross revenue然后减cost of sales,加other income 减 depreciation 减operating expenses得到的operating income (一般也就是EBIT)然后减interest expense 减income tax最后得到利润表底数 就是net income. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
Net Operating Income (NOI)的翻译是营运净收入,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的意义如下:公司的营运收入减所得税及少数权益。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
学习acca,了解专业的财经类词汇必不可少。为了方便大家学习,中公财经为大家整理了acca考试中常见的财经词汇。不清楚的同学快来看一看吧!【English Terms】Net Operating Income(NOI)【中文翻译】营运净收入【详情解释 例子】公司的营运收入减所得税及少数权益以上就
Operating income and net income both provide insight into the profitability of a company at different stages of the business. Operating income is a company's income after operating expenses have been deducted from revenue, which shows how well a company is doing from its core business. Net incom...