Net metering eventually would be available to all Michigan electric customers and the state's regulated electric utilities must develop a plan to minimize dependence on a single fuel source under action taken last week by the Michigan Public Service Commission. In an August 6 order (Case No. U...
The EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board has granted the agency’s motion for a “voluntary remand” on the air quality permit for the project, essentially returning it to EPA for re-evaluation in light of President Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 executive order on offshore wind. NetZero InsiderEmail...
Michigan net metering customersMichigan net metering customersMichigan electric customers are generating their own powernmore than ever before, with the number doubling over the oneyearnperiod ending June 30, 2009, a Public Service Commissionnreport said last week.Bob MatyiPlatts...
CrescoNet is a cellular utility solutions company in the United States, enabling utilities to deliver on the promise of a more sustainable future through an offering of metering and other integrated digital technologies. Use the CB Insights Platform to e
NMNet Metering(energy installations) NMNear Miss NMNunca Mais(Galician: Not Again, political group) NMNarcissistic Mother NMNumerical Method(s) NMNaval Magazine(US Navy) NMNeutrophil Migration NMNegra Modelo(beer) NMNewton Meter NMNothing Much ...
Green Pricing and Net Metering Programs 2010 Green pricing programs In 2010, a total of 776 electric industry participants reported having customers in green pricing programs, 14 percent more than in 2009. The number of customers in green pricing programs grew by 8 ...
• Senior Systems Developer, (July 2007 – October 2008) ista North America, Service Leaders for Utility Sub-metering and Resident Billing – Alpharetta, GA • Working with a team of Client Executives and other Developers in the Utility Solutions Group to develop and improve the billing ...
state net metering laws, as world climate approaches the tipping points that will alter regional and global environmental balances irreversible within the time span of our current civilization.Ferrey, StevenMichigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law...
Michigan regulators authorized Consumers Energy last weeknto slap a $2.50 monthly surcharge on customer bills innSeptember to support the utility's plan to build and buy 900nMW of new wind energy capacity to meet the state's renewablenenergy standard.Bob Matyi...
While Illinois has a net metering law, whish allows producers of up to 2 MW to sell electricity back to the grid, it does not apply in this case. Principia College purchases its electricity from "alternative suppliers" (i.e., on the open market), rather than from the local IOU. The ...