.NET 多平台应用 UI (.NET MAUI) 支持的每个平台都提供了可从 C# 访问的唯一操作系统和平台 API。 .NET MAUI 提供跨平台 API 来访问此平台的大部分功能,其中包括访问传感器、访问正在运行应用的设备的相关信息、检查网络连接、安全地存储数据,以及启动基于浏览器的身份验证流。
若要向用户请求权限,请使用RequestAsync方法以及要请求的特定权限。 如果用户此前已授予权限,且尚未将其撤消,则此方法将返回Granted,而不向用户显示对话框。 不应从你的MauiProgram或App类请求权限,并且只应在应用的第一页出现后请求权限。 以下示例请求LocationWhenInUse权限: ...
ISmsインターフェイスの既定の実装は、Sms.Defaultプロパティから利用できます。ISmsインターフェイスとSmsクラスはどちらもMicrosoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Communication名前空間に含まれています。 作業の開始 SMS の機能にアクセスするには、次のプラットフォーム固有の設定が必要です。
组件在 .NET 进程中以本机方式运行,并使用本地互操作通道将 Web UI 呈现到嵌入式 Web 视图控件(BlazorWebView)。 这次我们将Editor.js集成到.NET MAUI应用中。并实现只读切换,明/暗主题切换等功能。 使用.NET MAUI实现跨平台支持,本项目可运行于Android、iOS平台。 获取资源 我们先要获取web应用的资源文件(js,...
We have a mobile app in production built using Maui. The server running the api is it connecting to uses .net framework. There are issues connecting to signalR from iOS17 devices. From debug we can see the following: iOS 17 device sets the connectionData… ...
We have a mobile app in production built using Maui. The server running the api is it connecting to uses .net framework. There are issues connecting to signalR from iOS17 devices. From debug we can see the following: iOS 17 device sets the connectionData… ...
wsConnection.send({msg:"connect",version:"1",support: ["1"], }); }); 建立链接后,会从Rocket.Chat收到connected消息,此时需要发送登录请求的消息到Rocket.Chat 接收到报文 "{"msg":"connected","session":"cMvzWpCNSCR24bwCf"}" 发送报文 ...
Net Maui and Blazor with following functionality. You need to design only the front end. Backend APIs and database already done and in production 1. Login Screen with normal login and socail media login. 2. A screen to show New Orders for Restaurant or Grocery store in the list or queue...
There's no right way to build your clients, and MAUI gives you many choices! GitHub Evolving with Damian Brady Episode #1902 Thursday, June 13, 2024 GitHub is about so much more than source control! While at Build, Carl and Richard chatted with Damian Brady about all the great things ...
Includes Windows Community Toolkit, MAUI Community Toolkit, and Dotnet Community Toolkit. Caliburn.Micro - A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the ...