Get the latest NET exam 2023 notification, exam dates, syllabus, and eligibility of NET Exams. Check out the list of upcoming NET Exams 2023 here.
Check the latest NET JRF Syllabus 2023, prescribed by the University Grants Commission. Get a detailed overview of the NET JRF Syllabus for Papers 1 and 2 in this article.
CSIR-NET-JRF (Chemical Science)-2022 Next Student Say! Previous In my success all credit goes to Kendrika Academy. Thanks to Vishnu Sir and Sandip Sir, without their support i could not crack CSIR-NET exam. Sandip Sir’s lectures was awesome. I enjoyed a lot his long hours classes. Adi...
CSIR-NET-JRF (Chemical Science)-2022 Next Student Say! Previous In my success all credit goes to Kendrika Academy. Thanks to Vishnu Sir and Sandip Sir, without their support i could not crack CSIR-NET exam. Sandip Sir’s lectures was awesome. I enjoyed a lot his long hours classes. Adi...
UGC NET Paper 1 Cut-off 2023 UGC NET cut-off is the minimum score that candidates need to score to qualify for the exam. The UGC NET cut-off has been released on April 14, 2023, along with the result for Lectureship and JRF. The UGC NET cut-off PDF contains the total number of ...
CSIR NET Syllabus 2023:The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the CSIR NET exam for the selection of eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for Lectureship (LS)/ Assistant Professor posts in the universities and colleges of India. As per the previous year's exam analys...
2. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF):Not more than 30 years as on 1st day of the month in which the examination is concluded i.e. 01.06.2024. (The Age limit is applicable for the current examination only). UGC NET December Application Fee 2024: ...
Hi, I am sangeeta. I am working as a computer science teacher in a school. My current age is 40. I have Master’s degree in computer. Can I apply for the net exam Reply Sarvgyan Teamsays: January 29, 2024 at 12:40 pm JRF applying candidates should not be more than 30 years as...
PwD June 2023 42% 48% December 2022 41% 46% June 2022 40% 46% December 2021 39% 45% Download UGC NET Cut Off PDF Here, we are providing the previous Year’s UGC NET Cut off marks of 2021-2024 for the UGC NET exam for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) subjec...
The notification includes details about UGC NET/JRF exam dates, eligibility criteria, the application process, exam pattern, and other relevant information. Applicants can download the notification from the below link once it is available:UGC NET 2023 Notification (Official link is not active yet)...