法属波利尼西亚 PF: BOP: Net Errors and Omissions的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 PF:国际收支平衡表:误差和遗漏净值 (百万美元)11.242015年2002 - 2015 PF:国际收支平衡表:金融账户:净额 (百万美元)302.592015年2002 - 2015 PF:国际收支平衡表:金融账户:外商直接投资:净额 (...
新加坡2017的新加坡 SG: BoP: Net Errors & Omissions是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 87.19 2017 -42.13 2016 -2,987.93 1991 4,594.10 1993 百万美元 年 1972 - 2017 新加坡 SG: BoP: Net Errors & Omissions的相关指标相关指标 数值 频率 范围...
Statistical Concept and Methodology: The balance of payments (BoP) is a double-entry accounting system that shows all flows of goods and services into and out of an economy; all transfers that are the counterpart of real resources or financial claims provided to or by the rest of the world ...
Statistical Concept and Methodology:The balance of payments (BoP) is a double-entry accounting system that shows all flows of goods and services into and out of an economy; all transfers that are the counterpart of real resources or financial claims provided to or by the rest of the world wi...
Business Owners Policy (BOP) Church Insurance Commercial Auto Commercial Property Condo Association Condo Insurance Contractors Crop Insurance Cyber Liability Directors & Officers Errors and Omissions Farm & Ranch Flood Insurance General Liability Homeowners Insurance Hotel / Motel Jewelers Insurance Landlord In...
查看图表中 2012 到2017 期间的老挝 老挝 BoP: Net Errors and Omissions最大值 一年 五年 十年 筛选 获取此数据 老挝2017的老挝 BoP: Net Errors and Omissions是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 -783.225 2017 -1,342.719 2016 -1,342.719 2016 119.838 2014 百万美元 年 2012 - ...
马拉维 BoP: Financial Account: OI: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets在2018达-80,653.140 MWK mn,相较于2017的60,485.450 MWK mn有所下降。马拉维 BoP: Financial Account: OI: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets数据按每年更新,2012至2018期间平均值为11,126.980 MWK mn,共7份观测结果。...
Statistical Concept and Methodology:The balance of payments (BoP) is a double-entry accounting system that shows all flows of goods and services into and out of an economy; all transfers that are the counterpart of real resources or financial claims provided to or by the rest of the world wi...
塞拉利昂2016的塞拉利昂 SL: BOP: Net Errors and Omissions是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 -22.022016545.762015-280.532014545.762015百万美元年1977 - 2016 塞拉利昂 SL: BOP: Net Errors and Omissions的相关指标 加载更多 值得信任的宏观及微观经济数据 ...