1. Net [...] contains multiple Output Sheet Entrys (Sheet Entry - SPI_MISO (Output), Sheet Entry - SPI_MISO (Output)) 2. Net [...] contains HiZ Pin and Output Sheet Entry (Pin [...] - Sheet Entry - SPI_MISO(Output), Sheet Entry - SPI_MISO (Output)). So the question is:...
Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -UDPPorts Specifies an array of UDP ports. The provider filters for and logs network traffic that matches the ports that this parameter specifies. The provider joins multiple port numbers with logical ORs. ...
DMX Input/Output Node /RDMController 1 Port {zip} {Orange Pi Zero} 2 Ports {zip} {Orange Pi Zero} 4 Ports {zip} {Orange Pi One} Real-time Monitor1 Universe {zip} {Orange Pi One - HDMI output} Stepper controllerL6470 RDM Sparkfun AutoDriver chaining {zip} {Orange Pi Zero} ...
newInputPortNumber++; 代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/beanshell-activity assertEquals("There should be 1 input port",1,activity.getInputPorts().size()); assertEquals("There should be 1 output port",1,activity.getOutputPorts().size()); assertEquals("The input should be called input"...
Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -UDPPorts Specifies an array of UDP ports. The provider filters for and logs network traffic that matches the ports that this parameter specifies. The provider joins multiple port numbers with logical ORs. ...
Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -UDPPorts Specifies an array of UDP ports. The provider filters for and logs network traffic that matches the ports that this parameter specifies. The provider joins multiple port numbers with logical ORs. 展開資料表 Type: UInt16[]...