as-received basis net calorific value of coal煤收到基低位发热量 1.The empirical formula formed from vegression analysis can directly calculate as-received basis net calorific value of coal by proximate analysis,its accuracy is much the same as available formula,but the usage is much more simple...
Net calorific valueImproved PSO-SVMARTIFICIAL NEURAL-NETWORKSSUPPORT VECTOR MACHINEALGORITHMThe drastic change of coal quality (e.g., net calorific value of coal) is an important factor that reduces the boiler combustion efficiency and stability of thermal power generating units, hence, the accurate ...
As the third calorific value, the net calorific value as received is basis of trade. This calorific value is the lowest one, as the energy used for evaporating water contained naturally in the fuel and water formed in combustion is reduced when calculating the calorific value. The calorific val...
协调控制系统的探新一引入等效燃煤热值信号 ThenewexplorationonCoordinationControlSystem(CCS)一Inductingasignalofcoal’SNetCalorificValue(NCV) 沙角B电厂 朱林忠 (广东511766)Shajiao‘B’PowerPlantZhuLinzhong 摘要:在对沙角B电厂2×350MW燃煤机组的协调控制系统进行试验调整过程中,针对煤质变化对系统 稳定性的不利...