protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new BlogEntityTypeConfiguration()); base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder); } 还有一种更加方便的方式,就是根据程序集来注册实体类型配置,使用ApplyConfigurationsFromAssembly,它会扫描指定程序集中所有继承了IEntityType...
定位点标记帮助程序使用asp-route-{value} 属性生成“编辑”页面的链接。 此链接包含路由数据及联系人 ID。 例如 https://localhost:5001/Edit/1。 标记帮助程序使服务器端代码可以在 Razor 文件中参与创建和呈现 HTML 元素。Index.cshtml 文件包含用于为每个客户联系人创建删除按钮的标记:CSHTML 复制...
-- Raw Assets (also remove the "Resources\Raw" prefix) --><MauiAssetInclude
{STATIC WEB ASSET BASE PATH}:静态 Web 资产基路径。 {PACKAGE ID}:库的包标识符。 如果项目文件中未指定包标识符,则包标识符默认为项目的程序集名称。如下示例中:静态Web 资产基路径为 _content/ClassLib。 类库的程序集名称为 ClassLib。Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml (Razor Pages) 或 Views/Shared/_...
首先,我们需要为 Asset 表创建一个模型,我们将会使用这个模型通过ORM来恢复数据。 在模型文件夹中,创建一个名为 Asset 的新类: 代码语言:javascript 复制 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;namespace GridExampleMVC.Models{publicclassAsset{publicSystem.Guid AssetID{get;set;}[Display(Name="Barcode")]pu...
The Net Realizable Value (NRV) is the profit realized from selling an asset, net of any estimated sale or disposal costs. In practice, the NRV method is most common in inventory accounting, as well as for calculating the value of accounts receivable (A/R). How to Calculate Net Realizable...
定位点标记帮助程序使用asp-route-{value} 属性生成“编辑”页面的链接。 此链接包含路由数据及联系人 ID。 例如 https://localhost:5001/Edit/1。 标记帮助程序使服务器端代码可以在 Razor 文件中参与创建和呈现 HTML 元素。Index.cshtml 文件包含用于为每个客户联系人创建删除按钮的标记:CSHTML 复制...
“historical”) cost, but over time their value might change, for example, due to market activity outside the company, thus requiring an adjustment to the asset value on the company’s books. NRV is most often applied to inventory but can be brought to bear on any asset, such as ...
Exponential trend modelMoving-average methodThis research examines the use of various forms of time series models to predict the total NAV of an asset allocation mutual fund. In particular, the mutual fund case used is the Vanguard Wellington Fund. This fund maintains a balance between relatively ...