[自動交易追蹤] NET-A-PORTER.COM 頗特女士成立於2000年6月, 是來自英國的國際著名時尚奢侈品平台。作為行業的創新典範, NET-A-PORTER 頗特女士成功建立了一個跨越時尚數碼周刊《The EDIT頗以為然》, 印刷版雜誌《PORTER》, 以及net-a-porter.com 頗特女士的多媒體平台, 每月吸引超過600萬的關注者。
NET‑A‑PORTER is a trading name of The Net-A-Porter Group Asia Pacific Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong SAR, China under company number 1625923. Our registered address is Room 2318, Jardine House,1 Connaught Place, Central, HONG KONG In particular, we wish to draw your att...
For customers based in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and selected districts of the New Territories, our NET‑A‑PORTER Premier team is at your service from the moment an order is placed until it arrives at your door. With a one-hour delivery window available, you can choose when to receive your...
NET-A-PORTER 与香港苏富比携手办展,让时尚更贴近艺术 为拉近画廊和新晉收藏家与时装产业以及未来潮流教主、时尚杂志和读者间之离,网购平台 NET–A–PORTER 携手香港苏富比, 共同推出「Contemporary Curated Hong Kong」展览,以达成彼此共同愿景。收藏之外,艺术还是一种灵感,NET-A-PORTER 与香港苏富比斗希望以此合作...
NET‑A‑PORTER also champions unparalleled customer service, with express worldwide shipping to more than 170 countries (including same-day delivery to Manhattan, London and Hong Kong SAR, China, plus next-day delivery to the UK, US, Germany, France, Australia and Singapore), signature luxuri...
We have detected that you are located somewhere where our service is not available. Please note our service is only available in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Hong Kong, France and Italy. If you are located in the UK, USA, DE, HK, FR or IT please click below to access...
5.也可以通过网络或电话预约免费取货服务; 6.NAP收到退回包裹后,将于10个工作日内完成退款; 7.退货地址: NET-A-PORTER DC3 10/F, Goodman Interlink, 39 Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong 若有相关问题,建议直接联系NAP客服咨询。
Photo courtesy of Net-A-Porter 日前,電商平台 Net-A-Porter 也宣布在 Reflaunt 提供的支持下,將在平台加入轉售服務的試點計劃,並從今年秋季在英國率先推出,務求打造平台成為一個買賣名牌服飾、手袋、鞋履和配飾的地方。 是次Net-A-Porter 連同集團的 Mr Porter 和 The Outnet 一起宣布,將與提供轉售技術的平...
经营状态: 开业 注册资本: 645万(美元) 法定代表: VANESSA TERESA LA GRECA 成立时间: 信用代码: 91310000566556673P 注册地址: 上海市徐汇区枫林路420号2楼A区217室 关注还关注 奢侈品 电子商务 零售 网络 net-a-porter竞争对手(类似公司) 一键复制公司名称 风茂贸易(上海)有限公司 电商代运营 奢侈...
NET-A-PORTER Memorial Day NET-A-PORTER 4th of July NET-A-PORTER Labor Day See More Terms & Exclusions Exclusions:Cash Back is not available on Balenciaga, Cartier, Gucci, Alexander McQueen, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, fine jewelry, and fine watches. ...