internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:883 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '@nestjs/core/router/route-path-factory' Require stack: - D:\thesis\App\backend\node_modules\@nestjs\swagger\dist\swagger-explorer.js - D:\thesis\App\backend\node_modules\@nestjs\swagger\dist\swagger-scanner.js -...
async route(@Req() request: Request): Promise { const path = request.path.replace(//$/g, ‘’); const route = routeMap[request.path]; if (!route) { throw new HttpException( ‘没有找到当前url对应的路由’, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, ); } // 获取请求路径对应的静态页面 return this.appSer...
302 Found(参数超出正常取值范围) 303 See Other(token过期) 304 Not Modified(token无效) 4xx开头:客户端异常(请求地址异常) 400 Bad Request(找不到地址) 401 Unauthorized(token错误) 403 Forbidden referer origin(验证失败) 404 Not Found(接口不存在) 406 Not Acceptable(服务端不支持所需表示) 409 Conflic...
当客户端通过GET方法对orders路由发送请求时将由index()处理函数响应。 除@Get()装饰器外,Nestjs还为HTTP标准方法提供的装饰有@Post()、@Put()、@Delete()、@Patch()、@Options()和@Head(),以及@All()用来处理所有的情况。 @Controller(’path’)中的path从设计上虽为可选参数,但在实际项目中未避免混乱会...
Nest在controller的route handler方法调用之前插入一个管道。 import { Controller, Get, Param, ParseIntPipe } from '@nestjs/common'; @Controller('demo2') export class Demo2Controller { @Get('/num/:id') get1(@Param('id', ParseIntPipe) id: number): number { return id; } } // 如果访问了...
a route is not protected, we still want to get the optional auth user from jwt const token = req.headers.authorization ? (req.headers.authorization as string).split(' ') : null; if (token && token[1]) { const decoded: any = jwt.verify(token[1...
After some testing, there is an untested case that crashes Nest when using RouteConstraints and app versioning is not set in fastify context. Related to: #12567 ~/node_modules/@nestjs/platform-fastify/adapters/fastify-adapter.js:62 if (this.versioningOptions.type === common_1.VersioningType....
findAll() 方法之前的 @Get() 装饰器告诉 Nest 该方法所使用的请求方法(在本例中为 GET )和路由路径,由于我们已经为每个 route(cats) 声明了一个前缀,并且没有在装饰器中添加任何路由信息,因此 Nest 会将 GET /cats 请求映射到此处理程序。例如,装饰器 @Get('get') 为GET /cats/get 请求生成路由映射。
route(@Req() request: Request): Promise<string> { const path = request.path.replace(/\/$/g, ''); const route = routeMap[request.path]; if (!route) { // 抛出异常,Nest内置异常层会自动处理,生成JSON响应 throw new HttpException( '没有找到当前url对应的路由', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, );...