logger.log('foo'); } } Usage of the standard logger is recommended and idiomatic for NestJS. But there is one more option to use: import { PinoLogger, InjectPinoLogger } from 'nestjs-pino'; export class MyService { constructor( private readonly logger: PinoLogger ) { // Optionally ...
内置的logger不是很满足个人的需求, 所以找了下社区主流的日志实现, 从log4js,winston, 到选型pino . 是另外两个不好么,那倒不是. 萝卜青菜各有所爱吧, pino够轻量,自定义还算丰富,性能还很高!! 效果图 开发模式 代码语言:javascript 复制 INFO [2020-11-09 08:45:12.336 +0000] (56588 on crper-MBP...
nest框架中使用pino,无法将日志写入到本地文件checkOrCreate(config.log); const streams = [ { stream: fs.createWriteStream(this.logPath, { flags: 'a+', }), }, { stream: process.stdout }, ]; this.logger = pino({}, pino.multistream(streams));这里用的pino,checkOrCreate回确保日志文件...
pinoHttp: { transport: isDev ? { target: 'pino-pretty', level: 'info', options: { colorize: true } } : { target: 'pino-roll', level: 'info', options: { file: path.join('log', 'log.txt'), // 文件名称可以用时间 frequency: 'daily', // hourly ...
虽然NestJS 内置的Logger已经足够强大,但在实际项目中,开发者往往需要更高级的日志记录功能。这时,可以使用第三方日志库,如winston或pino,并通过自定义日志记录器来满足需求。例如,使用winston可以实现更灵活的日志格式和存储策略: import * as winston from 'winston';import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';...
// envFilePath load: [configuration], }), DemoModule, LoggerModule.forRoot({ pinoHttp: { transport: { targets: [ { level: 'info', target: 'pino-pretty', options: { colorize: true, }, }, { level: 'info', target: 'pino-roll', options: { file: join('logs', 'log.txt'), fre...
Pino logger wrapper to be used in conjunction with NestJS import{LoggerModule,LoggerService}from'@newtral/nestjs-logger';import{Injectable,Module,OnModuleInit}from'@nestjs/common';@Injectable()classAppServiceimplementsOnModuleInit{privatereadonlylogger=this.loggerService.getLogger(module);constructor(priva...
@nestjs/contg Pino/winstonpassport/jwt配置模块日志模块 数据库ORM Web服务 用户模块登录模块 TypeORM Express/fastify UsersModule AuthModule e20测试 接口文档菜单模块角色模块 数据库模块 Jost/pactum swagger MenusModuleRolesModule功能模块 鉴权/用户/C单/权限 ...