在Nest.js中,有一个非常非常鲜明的特点,就是几乎全方面的采用了装饰器(Decorator)作为接口的封装,以实现AOP面向切面编程的编程范式。再结合其用依赖注入的形式实现了控制反转,使得整个框架和SpringBoot在形式上越来越接近。 那么,既然提到了装饰器,就不得不先聊一聊AOP面向切面编程究竟是什么,再来探讨一下Decorator具...
You can then use the enum directly with the@Query()parameter decorator in combination with the@ApiQuery()decorator. @ApiQuery({name:'role',enum:UserRole}) asyncfilterByRole(@Query('role')role:UserRole=UserRole.User){} WithisArrayset totrue, theenumcan be selected as amulti-select: ...
typescript/** * The `Response()`/`Res` parameter decorator options. */export interface ResponseDecoratorOptions { /** * Determines whether the response will be sent manually within the route handler, * with the use of native response handling methods exposed by the platform-specific response ob...
}//使用依赖注册实例化构造器参数中声明的类functionInjectContructor(injectId?: string): ParameterDecorator {returnfunction(targetClassPrototype, propertyKey, parameterIndex) { let propClass= Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', targetClassPrototype) let loggerClass=newpropClass[parameterIndex]() } }cl...
修饰器分为ClassDecorator、PropertyDecorator、MethodDecorator、ParameterDecorator,测试装饰器,需要开启一项配置。 安装tsc,可以将ts文件按照编译配置编译成目标js运行到浏览器,这里只是为了用它生成配置文件。 # npm 安装$ npm i -g typescript# yarn 安装$ yarn global add typescript# 安装校验$ tsc -v ...
const currency: ParameterDecorator = (target: any, key: string | symbol,index:number) => { console.log(target, key,index) } class Xiaoman { public name: string constructor() { this.name = '' } getName(name:string,@currency age:number) { ...
可以看到Parameter底下UserDTO没有相关信息 设定Swagger物件参数 传递物件参数包含@Body、@Query所参考到的物件,如UserDTO、userQueryDTO,要在Swagger页面显示参数信息,通过@ApiModelProperty userDTO.ts exportclassUserDTO{@ApiModelProperty({maxLength:10,description:'Username',})name:string;@ApiModelProperty()age:numb...
You can then use the enum directly with the @Query() parameter decorator in combination with the @ApiQuery() decorator. content_copy @ApiQuery({ name: 'role', enum: UserRole }) async filterByRole(@Query('role') role: UserRole = UserRole.User) {} ...
When the behavior of your decorator depends on some conditions, you can use the data parameter to pass an argument to the decorator's factory function. One use case for this is a custom decorator that extracts properties from the request object by key. Let's assume, for example, that our...
To avoid code duplication, theMicroserviceOptionsinterface has been removed from the@nestjs/commonpackage. Therefore, now when you're creating a microservice (through eithercreateMicroservice()orconnectMicroservice()method), you should pass the type generic parameter to get code autocompletion. ...