Basic example# To upload a single file, simply tie the FileInterceptor() interceptor to the route handler and extract file from the request using the @UploadedFile() decorator. content_copy JS @Post('upload') @UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor('file')) uploadFile(@UploadedFile() file: Express...
File upload To handle file uploading, Nest provides a built-in module based on the multer middleware package for Express. Multer handles data posted in the multipart/form-data format, which is primarily used for uploading files via an HTTP POST request. This module is fully configurable and you...
env.UPLOAD_LOCATION, }; // Multer upload options export const multerOptions = { // Enable file size limits limits: { fileSize: +process.env.MAX_FILE_SIZE, }, // Check the mimetypes to allow for upload fileFilter: (req: any, file: any, cb: any) => { if (file.mimetype.match(/...
* Set file extension fallbacks. When set, if a file is not found, the given extensions will be added to the file name and search for. * The first that exists will be served. Example: ['html', 'htm']. * The default value is false. */extensions?:string[];/** * Let client err...
{ message: 'gender只能传入字符串male或female', }) gender: string; @ApiProperty({ description: '状态', example: 1, required: false, enum: [0, 1], }) @IsOptional() @IsEnum( { 禁用: 0, 可用: 1 }, { message: 'status只能传入数字0或1', }, ) @Type(() => Number) status: ...
In this example, we specify that the response will have allOf PaginatedDto and the results property will be of type Array<CatDto>. getSchemaPath() function that returns the OpenAPI Schema path from within the OpenAPI Spec File for a given model. allOf is a concept that OAS 3 provides to...
* Set file extension fallbacks. When set, if a file is not found, the given extensions will be added to the file name and search for. * The first that exists will be served. Example: ['html', 'htm']. * The default value is false. ...
* Set file extension fallbacks. When set, if a file is not found, the given extensions will be added to the file name and search for. * The first that exists will be served. Example: ['html', 'htm']. * The default value is false. ...
ref field. If the !ref is omitted or is not a valid range, functions are free to treat the sheet as empty or attempt to guess the range. The standard utilities that ship with this library treat sheets as empty (for example, the CSV output is an empty string)....
upload(@UploadedFile() file, @Body() body: any) { // 保存文件的文件夹 const dir = join(__dirname, '..', 'uploads'); // existsSync 用来判断dir是否存在 // 判断文件夹是否存在 不存在需要创建文件夹 if (!existsSync(dir)) { // mkdirSync 创建的意思 ...