Response } from 'express'; const xml2js = require('xml2js'); const parser = new xml2js.Parser(); @Injectable() export class XMLMiddleware implements NestMiddleware { // 参数是固定的Request/Response/next, // Request/Response/next对应请求体和响应体和下一步...
"jsxSingleQuote": false, "printWidth": 120, "proseWrap": "never", "quoteProps": "as-needed", "requirePragma": false, "semi": false, "singleQuote": true, "tabWidth": 2, "trailingComma": "all", "useTabs": false, "vueIndentScriptAndStyle": false, "singleAttributePerLine": false }...
(reCAPTCHAToken: string, clientIp: string): number { const checkResult = '', { secret: 'AAAA', response: reCAPTCHAToken, remote: clientIp, }, ); console.log(checkResult); return 0.2; } }结果:Observable { source: ...
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Current behavior After installing the package and rerun yarn start:dev, the will refuse to start and output the following: const stringWidth = require('string-width...
var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); app.use(function* function1(next) { console.log('function1 -> before next'); yield next; console.log('function1 -> after next'); }); app.use(function* function2(next) { console.log('function2 -> before next'); ...
const webpack = require('webpack'); const path = require('path'); const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals'); module.exports = { entry: ['webpack/hot/poll?100', './src/main.ts'], watch: true, target: 'node', externals: [ nodeExternals({ whitelist: ['webpack/hot/...
// Route interfacesinterfaceRouteRegister{path:string;method?:RequestMethod;}interfaceRouteUse{use:(req:any,res:any,next:Function,container:any)=>Promise<any>|any;}interfaceRouteCallThrough{callThrough?:boolean;}typeRouteWithCallThrough=RouteRegister&RouteCallThrough&{callThrough:true};typeRouteWithUse=Route...
Usually, in order to better manage and maintain the project, the project is generally divided into business categories, such as commodities, orders...
@EnableFeignClients public class LoginServiceApplication { public static void main(String[] ...