Scottish Coal nesting boxes for barn owls criticised as PR stuntANDREW LAWRENCE
Woodpeckers,ChickadeesandOwlsdo not migrate south in winter and may use nestboxes in winter. Mounting in the fall or winter will give the box a chance to weather before spring. Place 1 or 2 inches of dry wood chips in the boxes intended for Woodpeckers, Chickadees and Owls. Sawdust will no...
As for Crotonioidea in open bird nests and nest boxes in Poland, Błoszyk and Olszanowski (1985) were the first to describe the species composition of mites from this group. The material from the nests and nest boxes of 11 bird species of birds contained six mite species from this supe...
On each island we deployed polyethylene decoys (Mad River Decoy, Waitsfield, Vermont) made to resemble Caspian terns in an incubation posture, and an electronic audio playback system (Murremaid Music Boxes, South Bristol, Maine) for broadcasting Caspian tern colony calls. In 2015, islands 11 ...
We provide here, to our knowledge, the first experiment involving a replicated before-after-control-impact design in which the availability of suitable cavities for SCN was both reduced and increased simultaneously in the same habitats. Cavity blocking and the addition of nest-boxes led to reduction...
However, it is still unclear what happens when parrots and owls prospect the same cavity alternately each day and night; in the four cases we observed (one monitored by camera), none of the species managed to establish an active nest. Hornbill interference at cockatoo nests, whether for ...
Bam Owls Nesting in Nest Boxes in Boulder CountyRashid, ScottColorado Birds
Owls to the Rescue Nesting Boxes Attract the Predatory Birds Who Control Rodents NaturallyIlluminated by flickering firelight at a West Virginia park, Mark Browning asked fellow campers...Hayes, John
Macca Farmers Wise Up to Rats; Nesting Boxes, Roosts Help Owls to Help Growers
Audubon Erects Nesting Boxes To Help Save Rare Barn OwlsAmy Worden