SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Try something like: report zlocal_jc_bom_hierarchy line-size 132. data: begin of gs_hier, "simulate a BOM hierarchy for demo level like stpox-stufe, "level element like stpox-idnrk, "BOM item end of gs_hier, gt_hier like gs_hier occurs 0. start...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi experts, I would like to know how can I translate this nested SQL statement into an ABAP query (both MyTable1 and MyTable2 have as primary key the field "myfield"): SELECT t1.myfield FROM MyTable1 as t1 WHERE t1.myfield NOT IN (SELECT t2....
The example shows the declaration of two internal tables t_address_tab and company_tab, where t_address_tab is contained in company_tab. For this purpose t_address_tab is defined as the table type. The component addresses of the company structure is declared with this type. The data type ...
With that approach, the application structure is much easier to understand, and the individual parts of the app can be reused. 1.练习效果 2.源码 You can view and download all files at Walkthrough – Step 15. webapp/view/App.view.xml ABAP <mvc:View controllerName="sap.ui.demo.walk...
SAP ABAP - 业务插件 SAP ABAP - Web Dynpro 上一节: SAP ABAP - Do 循环 下一节: SAP ABAP - Continue 语句 SAP ABAP - 嵌套循环简述 DO 和 WHILE 语句可以进行测试,也可以与其他循环形式结合使用。每个嵌套循环都有自己的 SY-INDEX,由系统创建和监控。 句法 嵌套DO 循环的语法是 - DO [n TIMES...
SAP ABAP - 嵌套 If 语句 简述 嵌套IF...ELSE 语句始终是合法的,这意味着您可以在另一个 IF 或 ELSEIF 语句中使用一个 IF 或 ELSEIF 语句。 嵌套IF...ELSE 语句的语法如下 - IF<condition_1>. <statement block>. IF<condition_2>. <statement block>. ELSE. <statement block>. ENDIF. ELSE...
SAP ABAP 嵌套循环 DO 和WHILE 语句也可以与其他循环形式组合使用。每个嵌套循环都有自己的 SY-INDEX,由系统创建和监控。语法 嵌套DO 循环的语法为:DO [n TIMES]. <statement block n>. DO [m TIMES]. <statement block m>. ENDDO. ENDDO.实例
ABAP 语言是支持嵌套的 IF….ELSE 语句的。这意味着您可以在另一个 IF 或 ELSEIF 语句中使用一个 IF 或 ELSEIF 语句。
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, When storing data in internal tables, you often use one internal table for each database you read. Each one contains some or all columns of the relevant database table. It is up to you whether you create an internal table with a flat structure for...
If you only want to transfer a few fields, use SELECT with a structure, not SELECT *. Alternatively, you can use one of the views in the ABAP Dictionary to select data. If you do use a view, the SAP buffering is switched off. You should use the aggregate functions rather than selec...