A COBOL program can nest, or contain, other COBOL programs. The nested programs can themselves contain other programs. A nested program can be directly or indirectly contained in a program.
libnestedsums0.hint nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.cygport nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.src.patch nestedsums.hint net6 netembryo neuro nfc-eventd nfcutils nfft nghttp2 ngircd nglogc nifticlib nkf nlopt npth nptools nyancat nylon oath-toolkit obby oc ofc oggvideotools ompl ondir ooid open-...
mydumper mysql-proxy naev nanomsg nazghul ncdc nestedsums README libnestedsums-devel.hint libnestedsums0.hint nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.cygport nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.src.patch nestedsums.hint net6 netembryo neuro nfc-eventd nfcutils nfft nghttp2 ngircd nglogc nifticlib nkf nlopt npth...
libnestedsums0.hint nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.cygport nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.src.patch nestedsums.hint net6 netembryo neuro nfft nghttp2 ngircd nglogc nifticlib nkf nlopt npth nyancat oath-toolkit obby oc ofc oggvideotools ompl ondir ooid open-cobol opencc openfst openlava opensc...
naev nanomsg nazghul ncdc nestedsums README libnestedsums-devel.hint libnestedsums0.hint nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.cygport nestedsums-1.4.12-1bl1.src.patch nestedsums.hint net6 netembryo neuro nfc-eventd nfcutils nfft nghttp2 ngircd nglogc nifticlib nkf nlopt npth nptools nyan...