图六:对应图三、图四 foriinrange(1,8,2):print(int((7-i)/2)*" ",end="")forjinrange(i):print("*",end="")print()foriinrange(5,0,-2):print(int((7-i)/2)*" ",end="")forjinrange(i):print("*",end="")print() 或者 foriinrange(1,8,2):forjinrange(int((7-i)/2)...
The inner loop is nothing but a body of an outer loop. Python nested for loop Example:Write a nestedforloop program to print multiplication table in Python # outer loopforiinrange(1,11):# nested loop# to iterate from 1 to 10forjinrange(1,11):# print multiplicationprint(i * j, end=...
Python3.6代码: foriinrange(1,8,2):print(int((7-i)/2)*"",end="")forjinrange(i):print("*",end="")print() 或者: foriinrange(1,8,2):forjinrange(int((7-i)/2)):print("",end="")forjinrange(i):print("*",end="")print() 图形五: 输出结果: * *** *** *** *** ...
Python3.6代码: forlineinrange(0,3):forstarinrange(line):print(".",end="")print("O",end="")forstarinrange(5-2*line):print(".",end="")print("O",end="")forstarinrange(line):print(".",end="")print()forlineinrange(1,2):forstarinrange(3):print(".",end="")print("O",...
Python编程语言中嵌套的WHILE LOOP语句的语法如下所示:- while expression: while expression: statement(s) statement(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 关于循环嵌套的最后一个注意事项是,您可以将任何类型的循环放在任何其他类型的循环中。如,for循环可以在while循环中,反之亦然。
A nested loop is a loop inside a loop.The "inner loop" will be executed one time for each iteration of the "outer loop":ExampleGet your own Python Server Print each adjective for every fruit: adj = ["red", "big", "tasty"]fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for x in adj...
For 循环 Range 循环 利用嵌套循环实现九九乘法表 While 循环 1.在循环的过程中制造某些合适的条件使循环停下来 2.改变使循环成立的条件 这里的while可以...
i cant understand the result: for x in range(1,8): for y in range (1,x): print(x,y) cpython 8th Jun 2018, 10:18 PM Mohamed Rashidey Hasan 1 RéponseRépondre + 2 I'll just try to break this down the best I can: In your first loop, you're setting a variable x to start...
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Python programming topics: Python for Loop Python ListExample 1: Using List Comprehension my_list = [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]] flat_list = [num for sublist in my_list for num in sublist] print(flat_...
BBH模型和态密度分布参考这篇:BBH高阶拓扑绝缘体模型(附Python代码)。BBH模型和nested Wilson loop公式见参考文献[1-3]。本篇计算的nested Wilson loop仅仅是考虑能带非简并的情况。 一、能带 先画个能带。为了避免重复写代码,可以调用开源软件包Guan中的函数(https://py.guanjihuan.com)。