当条件为假时,我们可以使用else语句和if语句来执行一段代码。语法: ifcondition{ // Executes this block if // condition is true }else{ // Executes this block if // condition is false } 流程图: 示例: C实现 // Go program to illustrate the // use of if...else statement packagemain import...
在Go 语言中,嵌套的 if 是一个 if 语句,它是另一个 if 或 else 的目标。嵌套 if 语句意味着 if 语句内的 if 语句。是的,Golang 允许我们在 if 语句中嵌套 if 语句。即,我们可以将一个 if 语句放在另一个 if 语句中。 句法: if (condition1) { // Executes when condition1 is true if (conditi...
Here, the condition will be evaluated to a Boolean expression (true or false). If the condition is true, then the statement or program present inside the ” if ” block will be executed and if the condition is false, then the statements or program present inside the “else” block will ...
% Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true if <expression 2> % Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true end end 您可以使用与嵌套if语句类似的方式嵌套elseif ... else。 例子(Example) 创建一个脚本文件并在其中键入以下代码 - a = 100; b = 200; % check the boolean condition if(...
SQL uses "case expressions" instead of if/else syntax (although you can use if/else in T-SQL...
SQL uses "case expressions" instead of if/else syntax (although you can use if/else in T-SQL...
The syntax for the nesting the IF function is: IF( condition1, value_if_true1, IF( condition2, value_if_true2, value_if_false2 )) This would be equivalent to the following IF THEN ELSE statement: IF condition1 THEN value_if_true1 ELSEIF condition2 THEN value_if_true2 ELSE value_...
Python If Else Condition In the example above, Python executes the print statement if the condition is satisfied. However, it does not run any code if the condition is false. In this case, we can use theif-elseblock to evaluate the condition and run the else block code if the condition...
program nested_ifelseChecking; var { local variable definition } a, b : integer; begin a := 100; b:= 200; (* check the boolean condition *) if (a = 100) then (* if condition is true then check the following *) if ( b = 200 ) then ...
if (authToken === 'secret-token') { if (req.query.admin === 'true') { req.isAdmin = true; } return next(); } else { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid token' }); } } else { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Unauthorized' }); ...