Output of C# Nested If Else Statement Example When we execute the above c# program, we will get the result below. If you observe the above result, the nested if-else statements have been executed based on the conditions we defined and printed the required statement in the console window. Th...
Python | Nested if else example: Here, we are implement a program, it will input three numbers and find the largest of three numbers. By Pankaj Singh Last updated : December 20, 2023 Problem statementInput three integer numbers and find the largest of them using nested if else in python...
1. if … else statements in C if-elseis the first kind of control statement in C. In this, the operations are performed according to some specified condition. The statements inside the body of theifblock get executed if and only if the given condition is true. Read More -Top 50 C Int...
In certain situations, the second contained sub-statement of an "if-then-else" statement needs to be another "if-then-else" statement. The result is a nested "if-then-else" statement. Some times, you may have many "if-then-else" statements nested. Here is an example of 5 "if-then-...
Source Code: Nested While Loop: C Program view plaincopy to clipboardprint? #include < stdio.h > intmain() { intcount1 = 1, count2; while(count1 <= 5) { printf("%d\n", count1); count2 = 2; while(count2) { printf(" %d\n", count2); ...
For demonstration, consider the following example program: //Demonstrates if-else statements public class ControlFlowDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 10, y = 20; boolean decision = false; //if controls one statement by default, so no braces required if(x < y) ...
// Rust program to demonstrate the // nested if-else statements fn main() { let mut num1:i32 = 95; let mut num2:i32 = 105; let mut num3:i32 = 75; let mut large:i32 = 0; if(num1>num2) { if(num1>num3) { large=num1; } else { large=num3; } } else if(num2>num3...
There is no else block in the outer if-elseif-else-end. This code will display something only for If
When there is a requirement of a series of decisions, nested if-else is used. Furthermore, nesting refers to the use of one if-else construct within another one. The program below illustrates the use of nested if-else. Copy Code #include Furthermore, int main() { int num=1; if(nu...
Python If Else Condition In the example above, Python executes the print statement if the condition is satisfied. However, it does not run any code if the condition is false. In this case, we can use theif-elseblock to evaluate the condition and run the else block code if the condition...