Create a character style that has the formatting you want to use for the drop-cap character. Do one of the following: To apply the drop cap to a single paragraph, choose Drop Caps And Nested Styles from the Paragraph panel menu. To nest the character style in a paragraph style, ...
Click the Special Characters For Search icon to the right of the To Text field. Choose options from the Locations, Repeat, Match, Modifiers, and Posix submenus to help construct the GREP expression. Click OK. More like this Use drop caps ...
The implementation of the TreeForm is also noteworthy. It removes all nested set columns (root_id,lft,rgtandlevel) and adds a fully functional dropdown for selecting the parent. This code can easily be dropped into your project and doesn’t depend on jQuery or any other external library. A...
Looking at the response byPatrick2788, I was trying to play around with his proposed function. It was rather more intuitive to me to use a nested IF(AND) function and I was surprised it does not work for an array function. I was just wondering if anyone knew...
Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string using newlines possible? Asset Inventory - Assistance with Powershell Script ASSIGN AN HTML BLOCK TO A VARIABLE Assigning a timeout to invoke-command Assigning Multiple Values to One Variable Assigning permissions to folder...
I've put those additional conditions in; I'll leave it to you to verify that it's working correctly. mtarler Great solution, Matt (so long as all the columns in the data table cooperate). I often suggest tables and VLOOKUPs as alternatives to multiple levels of IF. I've never seen...
New post (Managing nested dropdown dependency with DepDrop widget) has been published on Krajee Web Tips
In this tutorial we will explore how to use a Repeater nested inside another Repeater. The examples will illustrate how to populate the inner Repeater both declaratively and programmatically.IntroductionIn addition to static HTML and databinding syntax, templates can also include W...
Note:slugkeyword belongs to html > href in config file. selected() Selected item(s) for dropdown. Example 1: <?phpCategory::selected(1)->renderAsDropdown(); Example 2: <?phpCategory::selected(1,5)->renderAsMultiple(); Example 3: ...
Click the Portals tab and click on My Portal in the list of portals. In the drop down list for Current Location select Enterprise Sample. Click the Manage Containers & Channels link. In the left side frame, select ASCTabContainer/MyTabContainer in the View Type drop down list. ...