You can organize data in a Power BI paginated report in a variety of ways to show the relationship of the general to the detailed. You can put all the data in the report, but set it to be hidden until a user clicks to reveal details; this is a drilldown action....
Solved: So I have this logic from crystal reports formula builder that I'd like to follow into powerBI's DAX and create a new column with the result:
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools You can nest one data region in a paginated report, such as a chart, inside another data region, such as a matrix, typically to display data summaries in a concise manner or to pr...
對於較新版本的 Power BI,當防火牆緩衝巢狀資料表、記錄或清單時,它不會以無訊息方式將非純量值轉換成文字。 相反地,它會顯示錯誤: 輸出 We cannot return a value of type Table in this context 對載入/重新整理的影響 防火牆緩衝處理所激發的這項變更也會延伸至 [載入/重新整理]。 將巢狀資料表、記錄和...
若要建立巢狀數據表,這兩個源數據表必須包含已定義的關聯性,讓一個數據表中的專案可以與其他數據表相關。 在 SQL Server Data Tools 中,您可以在數據源檢視中定義此關聯性。 注意 CustomerKey欄位是關係型索引鍵,用來連結案例數據表和數據源檢視定義內的巢狀數據表,以及建立採礦結構內數據行的關聯性。 不...
Main gallery which contains the contry+client code from PowerBI data integration and Subgallery from Catalog.xlsx When I'm trying to Collect data from the 1st subgallery as show in the screenshot, the Order.Value and Units.Value(true and 3 respectively ...
/How to call a function in another PowerShell script #TYPE System.Data.DataRow Is 1st line of SSMS To CSV %username% variable in Powershell + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException <' operator is reserved for future use $_ '-msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1' attribute not...
Filtering Nested Table Data See Also Applies to:SQL Server 2019 and earlier Analysis ServicesAzure Analysis ServicesFabric/Power BI Premium Important Data mining was deprecated in SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services and now discontinued in SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services. Documentation is not updated fo...
Can you provide some sample data and expected results? From what I understand, your two tables look like You could create a calculated table to judge Table = ADDCOLUMNS ( CROSSJOIN ( 'table1', 'table2' ), "Column", IF ( [criteria1] = BLANK (), [criteria2], IF ( [date] ...
Using the feedback hub is the best place for bugs as there are options for people to share logs there and it goes right into our bug tracking database. For everything else, you can post here, uservoice, or feedback hub. Note, I'll likely be checking here the most so take t...