In this paper, we aim to describe the systematic, evidence-based review, co-design, and operationalisation of a core neonatal inpatient dataset to improve the quality of care and track outcomes of small and sick newborns in high-mortality settings. This paper addresses three objectives:...
A few centimeters of corncob bedding, supplemented with pelleted rolled paper bedding, was placed in the bottom of each chamber. The size of the housing environment was determined by the size of the colony such that there is roughly one chamber for every 5-10 animals. Animals were fed ad ...
Nesting cycleOvarian developmentMultiple combsDiapauseAggregationThe Science of Nature - Polistes is one of the most widely distributed and extensively studied primitively eusocial wasps. Based on where they are found, there are two established nesting cycles in......
Empty nest syndrome: its prevalence and predictors in middle aged adults in Eastern India: Category: Oral Paper Presentationdoi:10.4103/0019-5545.341672Empty nest syndrome is a psychological condition commonly experienced by adults when their children leave the family for work or further studies causing...
In this paper, Biomimetics 2022, 7, 75 17 of 21 4. Discussion To investigate the animals' (including humans') dependency on diverse microbial communities in their habitats (our built environment), we use the honeybee as a model organism and fungal architectures as a biodiversity maximising ...