点击Export,选择PDF导出漏洞扫描报告。 1.3、新建一个Advanced Scan 1.3.1、点击右上角的”New Scan”新建一个扫描 2.3.2、选择“Basic Network Scan”,进行配置项目名称,对项目的描述,以及最重要的目标IP地址 Name:项目名称 Decription:项目描述 Targets:目标IP地址 2.3.3、扫描Linux的话,需要配置SSH,可以选择passw...
一般我们要扫描一个主机或者网站的话,点击My Scans,然后New Scan新建一个扫描即可。扫描模板的话,如果我们要扫描的是一个网站,我们选择Web Application Tests;如果是要扫描一个主机的话,我们选择Advanced Scan 然后进入了下面的页面,Name就是这次扫描的名字,随便写,但是最好不要写中文。Description就是对这次扫描的描...
Description The “Scan” frame further defines options related to how the scan should behave: Option Save Knowledge Base Description The Nessus scanner can save the scan information to the Nessus server knowledge base for later use. This includes open ports, plugins that fired successfully, services...
(Optional) For performing the vulnerability scan later on in this tutorial, there should be another machine (Ubuntu machine used for the same purpose as well in this tutorial) to perform the scan upon. The target machine should also have a non-root user account and access to the roo...
漏洞扫描工具 Nessus的使用教程 1、Nessus使用教程 1.1、Nessus登录 在浏览器中访问:https://{服务器IP}:8834 例如访问: 输入你注册的账号密码进行登录,例如:nessus_casb/liaxx,进入主页面。 1.2、新建1个主机扫描 1.2.1、点击右上角的”New Scan&rdquo...渗透...
漏洞扫描工具 Nessus的使用教程 1、Nessus使用教程 1.1、Nessus登录 在浏览器中访问:https://{服务器IP}:8834 例如访问: 输入你注册的账号密码进行登录,例如:nessus_casb/liaxx,进入主页面。 1.2、新建1个主机扫描 1.2.1、点击右上角的”New Scan”... ...
Settings Configuration Once you select the scan template to use for your scan, there are several settings that you can use to tune the scan configuration's performance. The following topics describe each of the scan configuration sections—Settings, Credentials, Compliance, and Plugins—and how you...
Step 4: Starting Your Vulnerability Scan When Nessus has completed its update, you will be greeted with a screen like that below. Click on "New Scan." This opens a new screen giving you choices as to the type of scan you want to execute. Note that some of the scans can only be do...
It enables them to take proactive steps to patch the loop holes (vulnerability) to strengthen the infrastructure’s security. Software Developers: Software developers uses Nessus during the testing phase of a software. And by conducting regular scan they can identify any security weakness in their ...
You can also schedule your scan. This allows you to specify when the scan starts and how often it is conducted. Additionally, you can even specify email addresses you want Nessus to send notifications to about the scan. However, this requires you to set up an SMTP server in the settings....