Ristretto | 25ml Ristretto Intenso 50 Capsule Box £0.37/ pod £18.50/50pods box Intensity:9 Ristretto | 25ml Ristretto 50 Capsule Box £0.37/ pod £18.50/50pods box Intensity:8 Espresso 40ml | Lungo 110ml Forte Extra 50 Capsule Box ...
商品名称:雀巢Nespresso雀巢商用胶囊 奈斯派索胶囊咖啡 50粒/盒 Ristretto_Intenso(50粒) 商品编号:10066903645728 店铺: 领英食品专营店 国产/进口:国产 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买! 注:因厂家...
据了解,Nespresso主要是做单品咖啡,胶囊是铝制的体积偏小口味更多,Nespresso有十二种口味的咖啡胶囊,分别是建议粹取量约40cc的~Arpeggio、Roma、Livanto、Ristretto、Capriccio、Volluto、Cosi、Decaffeinato、Decaffeinato Intenso;以及建议粹取量110 cc的Vivalto、 Finezzo、Decaffeinato Lugo。其中名为"Decaffeinato"则是低咖...
CAFE ROYAL 芮耀 咖啡厅皇家 Ristretto Intenso 强力版 Nespresso 兼容铝制咖啡豆荚,0.053999 kg211.26元什么值得买甄选出亚马逊海外购优惠促销商品,包括CAFE ROYAL/芮耀咖啡粉报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
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Ristretto Espresso Lungo Cappuccino Latte Hot Milk It also has a hot water function for other beverages of your choice Whether you’re in the mood for a creamy milk beverage or a savory shot of espresso, the Lattissima Pro has you covered. A distinctive feature of the Lattissima Pro...
Ristretto Capsules (Intenso) Dulsao Capsules (Pure Origin) Indriya Capsules (Pure Origin) Fortissio Lungo Capsules (Lungo) Does Nespresso machine make regular coffee? Nespresso VertuoLine can brew coffee as well as shots for espresso. Which coffee pods are compatible with Nespresso machine?
Arpeggio 深度烘焙,有很厚的咖啡油脂,非常creamy。特别适合冬天,做热拿铁,第一口有惊艳到我,口感...
兩者相輔相成,形成品味和諧的優雅享受。 香氣 Ristretto Intenso 企業咖啡質感豐厚幼滑,入口帶有烘焙與甘苦香氣,並伴隨胡椒辛香與木材味道,既融合了 Arabica 咖啡的芬芳細膩,亦突顯出 Robusta 咖啡的濃烈個性,整體品味和諧均衡,帶領您追逐濃烈享受。頁底選單 選擇語言及地區您正在瀏覽地區網站,請點選以變更地區設定 ...