Compact design, lightweight and equipped with an ergonomic handle, the new Inissia coffee machine fits perfectly into any interior design. Learn more Machine parts can be ordered via the Nespresso Club at 800.562.1465. (ALL PRICES EXCLUDE TAXES) DETAILS Weight: 5.29 Pounds Height: 9.1 Inches Re...
Inissia 紅色 Nespresso 咖啡機少量碳足跡、小巧、輕便,配備符合人類工程學的手把設計。全新 Inissia 咖啡機能完美融合不同的室內風格。網上訂購可享免費特快送貨服務。
Tiny foot print, compact, lightweight and equipped with an ergonomic handle, the red Inissia coffee machine fits perfectly into any interior design.
Nespresso Inissia意式胶囊咖啡机,外观经典复古,机身小巧简易。其搭载的快速预热系统能在25秒内达到理想萃取温度,再结合19巴高压萃取技术,随时为您呈现咖啡馆般的风味享受。如果您正在选购一款全自动家用咖啡机,强烈推荐Inissia!
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Discover the range of coffee machines with built-in milk function and individual milk frothers. Quickly prepare latte macchiato, cappuccino or other coffee recipes with milk. Inissia Red Coffee Machine & Aeroccino 3 Red 4.00 stars 4.00 Tiny foot print, compact, light weight with milk solutions....