CitiZ Platinum CitiZ Platinum C 不鏽鋼咖啡機 HKD 1,988.00 ♦ 適用於Espresso,Lungo,Americano及熱水選項 CITIZ PLATINUM 品味都會風尚 徜徉咖啡香醇 復古摩登的外型,高級洗鍊的金屬質感,為您的咖啡體驗增添一抹經典優雅氣息。搭載五個按鍵能隨心所欲輕鬆調製不同咖啡杯量,從濃縮咖啡(40ml)、大杯咖啡(110ml)、美...
CitiZ Platinum由CitiZ Platinum 咖啡機,為您的家居增添絲絲香濃風尚。穿梭於摩天大廈林立的城市,探索 Nespresso 咖啡機的時尚設計靈感之源。Nespresso 訂購禮品卡是什麼?套裝內包括一張印有優惠碼的禮品卡。 啟動禮品卡後,每兩個月會自動從您的信用卡收取港幣 168 元,您將會獲贈價值港幣176元的 Nespresso...
CitiZ Platinum 城市摩登意式胶囊咖啡机 *获赠的试用胶囊套装,将于发货前放置于机器的包装内。胶囊试用装随机发货。 ¥2166.00 ¥ 2086.00 立减80.00元 加入购物袋 机型对比 系列简介 产品特点 产品信息 常见问题 相关推荐 商品评价 两个独特的咖啡体验 从一大杯令人满意的咖啡,到优雅的经典浓缩咖啡, 都有...
CitiZ Platinum D Stainless steel is out of stockOUT OF STOCK HKD 1,988.00 ♦ For Espresso, Lungo, Americano & Americano With Hot Water Option CitiZ Platinum&milk C Stainless Steel Coffee Machine HKD 2,488.00 ♦ For Espresso, Lungo, Americano, Coffee With Milk, and Hot Water Option ...
You have zero of CitiZ Platinum C Stainless Steel in your basket. Activate to add the productADD TO BASKET CitiZ Platinum C Titan HKD 1,988.00 You have zero of CitiZ Platinum C Titan in your basket. Activate to add the productADD TO BASKET Coffee Machine with Milk Nespresso Atelier Coffee...
You have zero of CitiZ Platinum&milk D Stainless Steel in your basket. Activate to add the productAdd to basket CitiZ Platinum & Milk Stainless Steel C Elevate your coffee rituals with the urban design of Citiz with an Aeroccino3 for delightful recipes with milk. 279.90 € You have zero...
Citiz Platinum C Series Stainless Steel TRY12,599.00 View details Machines with Milk Frothers The Original coffee machines are also available with a standalone Aerocccino milk frothers to allow you to create your favourite coffees, from latte to cappuccino. Citiz Platinum C Series & Aeroccino ...
Citiz platinum 主要特色 快速預熱 25 秒完成預熱 省電模式 9分鐘後自動關閉電源 可拆卸式水箱 1升 19 BAR 高壓萃取 細緻綿密咖啡油沫的義式咖啡體驗 機器尺寸 (寬×深x高) 13.0 x 39.0 x 27.7 公分 膠囊儲存盒容量 可放置 12 ~ 14 顆使用過的 Original 膠囊 ...
CitiZ Platinum膠囊咖啡機提供4種咖啡杯量,從義式濃縮咖啡到特大杯美式咖啡皆能滿足,且具備熱水功能,購買贈14顆頂級咖啡膠囊,再享兩年保固
You have zero of CitiZ&Milk Platinum C Stainless Steel Coffee Machine in your basket. Activate to add the productADD TO BASKET Machine subscription price: 1,00 RON +monthly credit in your account ✔ Subscription offer Inissia Red, coffee & Aeroccino3 & dispenser pack 4.00 stars 4.00 This...