nescafe classic:雀巢经典 nescafe gold:雀巢金
Nescafe Classic 200g / Nescafe Original 200g / Nescafe Gold 200g / Nescafe Instant Coffee Company Profile Name: Km Int Trading B.V. Main Products: Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks, Alcoholic beverages,beer,chocolate, confectionaries, milk,dairy products, tea,coffee,Fabric ...
雀巢菲律宾进口NESCAFE经典CLASSIC特浓咖啡纯黑咖啡无糖1.9g48条 新 新日期【到2025】:黑咖啡图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Product Name:Nescafe gold;Type:Instant coffee;Taste:sweet;Flavor:Sugar;Feature:Normal;Packaging:Can (Tinned);Place of Origin:US;Storage Type:/;Specification:/;Manufacturer:/;Ingredients:/;Content:/;Address:United States;Instruction for use:Food;Grade:Hig
是的黑咖啡 所谓黑咖啡就是指纯咖啡,在饮用时没有添加牛奶和糖,放在杯子里的颜色是黑色的。添加牛奶后颜色就浅很多,就不能称为黑咖啡了
商品名称:雀巢(Nestle)菲律宾进口雀巢NESCAFE经典CLASSIC特浓咖啡纯黑咖啡无糖1.9g48条 新日期:黑咖啡1袋1.9g48小条 1x48x1.9g 商品编号:10108884630693 店铺:铭燕冲饮谷物店 货号:zthrGsuNAa 包装形式:袋装 产地:海外 烘焙程度:重度烘焙 国产/进口:进口 ...
nescafeclassic网络玻璃罐;雀巢经典咖啡粉 网络释义 1. 玻璃罐 [V215335] 阿联酋求购玻璃罐(Nescafe Classic) (9-30)请选择行业 农业 服装服饰 汽摩/配件 商业服务 化工 电脑/数码 建材/家|基于8个网页 2. 雀巢经典咖啡粉 雀巢经典咖啡粉(Nescafe Classic)300克包装的批发价,下月开始...
Product Name:Nestle Nescafe Instant Coffee;Type:Instant coffee;Taste:Neutral;Flavor:Chocolate;Flavor:Spices & Herbs;Flavor:NUT;Feature:Normal;Packaging:Box;Place of Origin:AT;Storage Type:custom;Specification:custom;Manufacturer:Nescafe;Ingredients:natur
Gold Original Instant Coffee Explore more Let this silky smooth roast whisk you away on a aromatic journey The team at NESCAFÉ® CLASSIC understands that the perfect cup of coffee is one that is both BOLD & SMOOTH at the same time. To achieve this, we take care & craft in the roas...