Title Screen & Story / All of Treasures ConsoleGenre NESAction-Adventure
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES Game) first released 26th Sep 1988, developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo.
It has the same problem that Zelda 2 did: its different so it "sucks". Startropics II was developed by an American team (under Nintendo's banner) who brought some interesting ideas to the table (including psychic powers and time travel). The control has been improvement formore of an actio...
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link DuckTales Double Dragon Super Mario Bros. 2 Shadowgate Final Fantasy [Final Fantasy I] Super Mario Bros. Metroid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Super C [Super Contra] Mega Man Tiny...
Square 1 = 1 Square 2 = 2 Triangle = 4 Noise = 8 DMC = 16 As an example: $ NES_APU_CHANNELS=5 cargo run --release roms/zelda.nes This will enable the first square wave channel, and the triangle wave.
Northwall Act-1 6400 x 1536 450 kB PNG ripped Rick Bruns Northwall Act-2 1792 x 4000 454 kB PNG ripped Rick BrunsActRaiser 2 Maps © 1993 ENIX / Quintet Stage 0 Act 0: Opening / Demo 2362 x 1249 204 kB PNG ripped Apocalypse612 / Tropicon Stage 0 Act 0: Opening / Demo (Unmarked...
Zelda - Shen Qi De Mao Zi Zelda II - The Adventure of Link Zen - Intergalactic Ninja Zhan Guo Wu Shuang Zhen Ben Xi You Ji Zhong Guo Xiang Qi Zippy Race Zoids - Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai Zoids 2 - Zenebas no Gyakushuu Zoids Mokushiroku Zombie Hunter Zombie Nation Zun...
NES Remix 2 (Wii U) Artwork Click images for full size versions Dr. Mario Ice Hockey Kid Icarus Kirby's Adventure Metroid NES Open Tournament Golf Punch Out Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels Warios Woods Zelda the Adventure of LinkTweets...
At first glance, you’d be forgiven for thinking that World Championships looks possibly less interesting thanWii U’s NES Remix series, a similar package of retro challenges that also drastically altered gameplay scenarios, like having players control Zelda 2’s Link in Super Mario...
Each island features caves that contain dungeons very much in the Zelda tradition. Wielding unusual weapons like a yo-yo and a baseball bat, you'll battle ninja monkeys, pirate ghouls, and belligerent starfish. There's even a mutant ostrich who thinks he's the boss of me! You are not th...