目前这样的视频转换播放器还真没有,可 3DNES 却可以充当 NES 的转换播放器。 (GIF图如果不动可以到这里看http://indienova.com/indie-game-download/3dnes-may-give-you-different-experience-for-nes-games/) Geod 专门为玩家录制了一系列教程,十分浅显易懂,不过如果你懒得看视频可以先看看下面的图文教程。 教...
不过,这个如果不再只是想想了,Geod 用 Unity 制作的 3DNES 为大家带来了福音。 3DNES 许是你见过最厉害的模拟器,不是因为它能运行某个独占平台的游戏,也不是它能流畅模拟多少款作品,单凭将 2D 的游戏模拟 3D 化这一个点子就够酷了,并且还真正实现了。这就如同 3D 电影刚刚开始流行的时候,大家都在想着通过...
Race through to earn stars on increasingly tough tasks, like beating Ridley from Metroid or making Princess Peach save herself! Compete in Championship Mode’s blitz of challenges from the Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, and Dr. Mario games, then compare scores with others in your ...
Honestly, it's a bit like magic. It works, very well too and genuinely looks really cool. One of those things that comes along and just blows your mind technically. Not only 3D, it also has modern gamepad support, saves states and things you would expect from a modern emulat...
近日,由Tran Vu Truc所打造的3DNES模拟器正式推出。这个模拟器能够将FC平台上复古的游戏以3D的效果呈现出来,效果十分华丽。而且玩家不需要高端电脑就能运行这一模拟器,感兴趣的玩家可以前去尝试一番。 模拟器演示: 我们会在每天早晨以快讯的形式为大家播报昨日深夜至今日凌晨国内外发生的重要资讯。今天的播报就到这里...
Related:The Last of Us Part 2 & Iron Man VR Customers To Receive Refunds The 3DSen VR Nintendo Emulator, is a "Virtual Reality 3D Voxel Emulator," and its a technical marvel of afan-made project. It takes the simple 8-bit visuals of iconic NES titles, translates them into voxels, and...
100% Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. Our NES Emulator is computer, mobile device and Iphone compatible. Most games include the game manual and instructions to help you play.
然而他们总算是没有浪费同样是花钱买来的《德军总部3D》引擎,以Wisdom Tree品牌在SNES上制作了另一款游戏,《超级诺亚方舟3D》。这也是唯一一款SNES上的非授权游戏,采用了特殊的卡带制式,玩家在游戏时要把另一款正版SNES卡带插入该游戏卡带的卡槽里,以绕过SNES的防盗版机制。
This time, the titleonlylaunched in Japan on the NES’ Famicom 3D System. It was another Japan-only accessory for the NES that launched in 1987 and was essentially a pair of 3D glasses you’d wrap around your head. A precursor to theVirtual Boy in 1995. ...
Games list (GoodNES) + CRC32 Disassembled Adventure Island (U) [!] B78C09A2 Battle City (J) [!] F599A07E Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (U) [!] DB0C3656 Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (U) [!] 7CC9C669 Contra Force (U) [!] 83D69922 Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (U) [...