Central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis can be classified into (1) primary vasculitis limited to the CNS and (2) secondary CNS vasculitis which is either a manifestation of systemic vasculitis or a complication associated with certain specific pathologies, such as infection (viral, bacterial, fungal...
Related to Nervous system diseases:Nervous System Disorders,Parkinson disease,Peripheral nervous system diseases,Autonomic nervous system diseases nervous system n. The system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. In vertebrates it consists of...
General categories of nervous system diseases are found along the navigation bar to your left or on the menu at the top (for mobile devices). Each of those buttons will link to sections which list specific disorders related to that topic. If you are unable to find a particular disease or ...
Related articles –The lymphatic system: Facts, functions & diseases –The circulatory system: An amazing circuit that keeps our bodies going –Immune system: Diseases, disorders & function –Reproductive system: Facts, functions & diseases A synapse gives a command to the cell and the entire comm...
Diseases of the Nervous System, Second Edition, summarizes the current state of basic and clinical knowledge for the most common neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions. In a systematic progression, each chapter covers either a single disease or a group of related disorders ranging from static ins...
Central nervous system AIDS – related diseases. Acta Neurochir 146, 1071–1074 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00701-004-0334-0 Download citation Published26 July 2004 Issue DateOctober 2004 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00701-004-0334-0 Share this article Anyone you share the following ...
However, several neurotoxins (Botox) and neurotropic viruses (herpes simplex virus 1) are providing tools to treat neurological disease through targeted delivery of genes or paralytic therapeutics.Diseases of the Nervous Systemdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800244-5.00010-0Harald Sontheimer...
Infectious diseases of the nervous system. Edited by larry e davisand peter g e kennedy. (Pp 544, £65.00.) Published by Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2000. ISBN 0-7506-4213-0 CRJC NEWTON Infections of the nervous system often present to and are managed by neurologists, rather than ...
Diseases closely related to both the nervous system and the stomatognathic system are divided into craniofacial diseases caused by neurological illnesses, and neurological diseases caused by an aberrant stomatognathic system. The two-way relationships between common diseases, such as periodontitis and ...
nervous system disease NervousSystemDisease 神经系统疾病 霍纳综合症HornerSyndrome Catalog 1Introduction2Mechanism3Pathogeny4Clinicalmanifestation5Inspect Introduction霍纳综合症HornerSyndrome Horner‘ssyndromeisacombinationofsymptomsthatariseswhenagroupofnervesknownasthesympathetictrunkisdamaged.Thesignsandsymptomsoccuronthe...