what are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system? sympathetic and parasympathetic what will the sympathetic nervous system do to heart rate? increase it what will the sympathetic nervous system do to the pupils? dilate them what will the sympathetic nervous system do to the GI system?
A and P final nervous system 115個詞語 jh101205 預覽 Anatomy final practice problems & answers 20個詞語 paigedancer 預覽 AP Chapter 18: urinary system 56個詞語 quizlette64922366 預覽 Exam 1: Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates 14個詞語 blythediaz8 預覽 *Chapter 1: Face and Neck Regions 25個...
quizlette708209358 預覽 Nervous System Exam #2 113個詞語 JuliaIsAHilltopper 預覽 Anatomy 241 Muscle Action/Origin/Insertion 79個詞語 theodorejones05 預覽 Types and Distribution of Body Fluids 9個詞語 llezeyllek 預覽 Key Concepts in Blood and Immune System 32個詞語 sarahsorrells459 預覽 bio 6個...
Chapter 12 Central Nervous System 73個詞語 Alexandra_Warren9 預覽 Lab exam 3: Digestive system 52個詞語 kayla_thurston12 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 islands of gray matter deep within white matter (cognitive processing, learning + memory, emotion + behavior) 選擇正確的詞...
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