The ICD devotes two classes, 5 and 6, to mental disorders and to diseases of the nervous system and sense organs. We combine them here as there is little mortality directly assignable to the first, and some difficulty must be present in determining, for example, that migraine is an organic...
Additionally, it summarizes the nervous system diseases and disorders caused by the oral and maxillofacial systems, as well as the complex diseases that are strongly linked to the interaction between the nervous and stomatognathic systems. By gaining a better understanding of these complex scenarios,...
Nervous system disease - Unlocalized, Multifocal, Disorders: Many disorders of the nervous system cannot be localized to a single site, or they represent distant effects of disease of other parts of the body. Disorders of the hypothalamus can result
Nervous system disease - Motor Disorders, Symptoms, Treatments: The presence of gait and postural disturbances, of abnormal movements, and of atrophy may be noticed when the physician is taking the medical history. Physical examination of the motor syste
–The lymphatic system: Facts, functions & diseases –The circulatory system: An amazing circuit that keeps our bodies going –Immune system: Diseases, disorders & function –Reproductive system: Facts, functions & diseases A synapse gives a command to the cell and the entire communication process...
Related to Nervous system diseases:Nervous System Disorders,Parkinson disease,Peripheral nervous system diseases,Autonomic nervous system diseases nervous system n. The system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. In vertebrates it consists of...
Hi. My father have some sort of a disease. He was diagnosed with neuroborreliosis and I have never heard for such disease. My Mom told me that neuroborreliosis is the invasion of central nervous system. But couldn`t found out more and wonder if there is anybody who could tell me somethi...
HI. I’ve been ill for over 5 years. First I had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis but then recently I was told I don't have it.
Read about nervous system diseases. Study the functions of the nervous system, review the types of neurological disorders, and explore their...
Still, things can go wrong with your nervous system just like any other part of your body. When a disorder damages it, that affects the communication between your brain, your spinal cord, and your body. Examples of these disorders include: ...