and change of fluorescence intensity in samples of blood,subcutaneous fat,perirenal fat,peritesticular fat,cerebrum,cerebellum,testis,and epididymis were measured at 0.5,1,2,and 4 h after administration using an IVIS Spectrum small-animal imaging system.Histological examination,confocal laser scanning,...
–The lymphatic system: Facts, functions & diseases –The circulatory system: An amazing circuit that keeps our bodies going –Immune system: Diseases, disorders & function –Reproductive system: Facts, functions & diseases A synapse gives a command to the cell and the entire communication process...
The mollusk in the long historical evolution process, evolves the adaptation environment gradually the bodily structure, exterior protection structure, the breathing apparatus, the reproductive system, the nervous system, the circulatory system and the excretory system has all achieved a high level, ...
the kidney, cardiovascular system, immune system, blood producing organs,central nervous systemandreproductive system. 陳蓉蓉女士續說,當塑膠物料與食物接觸,重金屬雜質亦可能會遷移到食物,影響 食物安全,例如攝入過量的鉛可能會損害腎臟、心血管系統、免疫系統、造血器官、中...
John Day has studied, taught and lectured around the world, but he is most interested in traveling the human nervous system. John Day/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Medical Center A long-term exposure to these substances can damage human nervous system, kidneys, bones, reproductive ...
The human nervous system is the series of cells and nerve tracts that conduct stimuli from sensory receptors in the periphery to receptors in the brain and spinal cord and then conduct impulses back to other body parts.
Immune system (inhibition of mast cells) Fluid balance (constriction of renal artery, rennin secretion) Pupil diameter (constriction and dilation of the pupil and ciliary muscle) Sweating (stimulates sweat gland secretion) Reproductive system (in males, erection and ejaculation; in females, contraction...
The nervous system is a complex structure that regulates the body's functions and responses through electrical and chemical signaling. It consists of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes the nerves and ganglia connecti...
Understand the nervous system. Learn about the central and peripheral nervous systems, somatic and autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic...
Expression of the ESOP-1 mRNA and protein was shown in the embryonic and adult hematopoietic system. In addition, the ESOP-1 protein was found in the yolk sac-blood islands, the developing nervous system, and the adult reproductive system. These results suggest that ESOP-1 may play some ...