nervus saphenus, saphenous nerve - a branch of the femoral nerve that supplies cutaneous branches to the inner aspect of the leg and foot cubital nerve, nervus ulnaris, ulnar nerve - a nerve running along the inner side of the arm and passing near the elbow; supplies intrinsic muscles of...
From the periphery, deep structures of the leg are first drained by the dorsal venous arch of the foot. This arch drains the foot then gives rise to the anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and fibular/peroneal veins. These three drain the leg and unite into the popliteal vein at the posteri...
Chapter 15 Parts of Nervous System 42個詞語 eekoloc22 預覽 Anatomy - Chapter 18 Nervous System 262個詞語 Simren21 預覽 anatomy exam 2 322個詞語 emilyrosehamilton 預覽 Cranial Nerves Diagram 21個詞語 bruincutie25 預覽 Brain (Lab) 33個詞語 feinmank19 預覽 ANATOMY EXAM 1 49個詞語 ecs166 預覽...
nervus saphenus, saphenous nerve - a branch of the femoral nerve that supplies cutaneous branches to the inner aspect of the leg and foot cubital nerve, nervus ulnaris, ulnar nerve - a nerve running along the inner side of the arm and passing near the elbow; supplies intrinsic muscles of...
The destruction of the7th and 12th cranial nerves, i.e.,the Facial Nerve and the Hypoglossal Nervecan cause the inability to lick lips. The Facial... Learn more about this topic: Cranial Nerves of the Face & Mouth | Overview & Diagram ...
Damage to spinal nervesC8 and T1would cause loss of sensation to the medial hand as well as inability to move the hands. The eighth cervical spinal... Learn more about this topic: Spinal Nerves Function & Diagram from Chapter 12/ Lesson 10 ...
and runs down the back of the thigh beneath the fascia lata, and over the long head of the Biceps femoris to the back of the knee; here it pierces the deep fascia and accompanies the small saphenous vein to about the middle of the back of the leg, its terminal twigs communicating with...
The shape of the PaC connector is designed to accommodate the shape and movement of the rat shoulder, and contains multiple tabs to facilitate surgical manipulation and suturing.cDiagram of cuff and multielectrode array layout. Each implantable device consists of three cuffs designed for implantation...
Fig. 2: Timing and functional diagram for the ME-BIT. a, Timing diagram of the operation of the implant. The implant cycles through charging, data transfer and stimulating phase. The off-chip capacitor is charged in the charging phase to store energy for the stimulation. In data transfer, ...
with interneurons in the brainstem, a pattern of neural architecture that is present in all extant vertebrates. The nerve cell bodies would have been located in the dorsal root ganglia adjacent to the spinal cord. The diagram of the neuron is based on Butler and Hodos (1996: fig. 2–1B)...