Phosphorylated MAP kinase ERK 1/2 (pERK) immunolabelling was performed on sections from the different experimental groups using a DAKO Omnis auto-stainer. The primary antibody (pERK 1/2, 1:800, MAB4370, Cell Signalling Technology, Genesearch, Qld) diluted in antibody Diluent (S0809, Agilent ...
For all single and double immunohistochemical labellings in brain sections described above and for immunocytochemistry of primary neuronal and glial cell cultures described below, control experiments in the absence of primary antibodies were carried out. In each case, this resulted in unstained brain sec...
Those receptors to be studied are expressed at both the peripheral terminals and the cell body of the sensory afferent neurons-DRG. With greater feasibility, receptor activity of DRG cell bodies has been used frequently as a surrogate for the nerve-ending receptor activity and physiology [88,89]...