Define nerve plexus. nerve plexus synonyms, nerve plexus pronunciation, nerve plexus translation, English dictionary definition of nerve plexus. Noun 1. nerve plexus - a network of intersecting nerves plexus, rete - a network of intersecting blood vessel
On the left side, the vagus nerve passes down to the thorax between the subclavian and common carotid arteries, behind the brachiocephalic vein. After providing branches to the heart, lungs and esophagus, the left vagus nerve then passes to the arch of the aorta. The recurrent laryngeal nerve...
The femoral nerve (L2–L4) emerges from the psoas to run in the gutter between it and iliacus deep to the iliac fascia and supplying both muscles. It passes behind the inguinal ligament lateral to the femoral artery into the thigh to supply the quadriceps muscles and overlying skin. View ch...
Lower limb blocks can either be done at the level of the femoral nerve, in the video we just saw that was a femoral nerve block, and that’ll give you an excellent block of the thigh down to the knee and good for post-operative pain...
What is the tendon behind your knee? Where is the radial artery located? Where is the spine of the scapula? Where is the coccyx? What should be done to a trapped nerve in the shoulder blade? Where is the cerebellum located? Where is the stellate ganglion? Is the sciatic nerve part of...
behind the deltoid muscle), radial (in the wrist), common peroneal (in the popliteal fossa and posterior face of fibular head), posterior tibial (internal retromalleolar fossa), superficial peroneal (anterior aspect of the ankle and dorsal foot) and the saphenous nerve (upper face of the inter...
The great auricular nerve is a sensory branch of the cervical plexus composed of axons from spinal cord segments C2-C3; it innervates the skin and fascia behind the ear, on the lower part of the pinna of the ear, and over the angle of the jaw. The posterior auricular nerve is a ...
Which nerve is felt behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus? a. Median b. Radial c. Ulnar d. MusculocutaneousThe extensor muscles of the hand are controlled by what nerve?What carpal bone is found at the lateral wrist in the proximal row? a. Hamate. b. Scaphoid. c. Pisiform. d...
And last month a very special favourite patient, yes, all doctors have favourites, went in for routine laser treatment for an eye condition. The surgeon failed to ask what drugs she was on; the anti coagulants for a minor heart condition caused a bleed behind the retina, and now she is...
As you lift your right leg, place your right ankle on your left knee. Keep both hands on the floor and pull your left thigh toward you by looping your fingers behind it while keeping your head and back on the floor. If you have trouble reaching your thigh, you can bring it closer to...