Legend has it that Nero played the fiddle as he watched Rome burn through his window.In truth Nero was actually in a seaside city known as Antium (Anzio) when it started, but returned to Rome when he heard the news. Whether the fiddle story is true does not matter. There is much evi...
She was regarded in the same light as the devil as the assumed Hebrew pronunciation of her name as an emperor, Nero Caesar being pronounced as "NRVNQSR", equates with the "Number of the BeastWP". This name and the "Beast of Babylon" refers to Rome itself and it is not an alias ...
True, it seemed to him, as to many, that with the destruction of Rome would come the end also of Roman dominion. But he was face to face with Vinicius; he remembered that the young soldier had prohibited him, under a terrible threat, from watching the Christians, and especially Linus ...