正在为您的 Windows 计算机寻找易于使用的照片编辑器?看看Nero Photo Editor。这款用户友好的照片编辑软件非常适合希望增强和个性化数字图像的初学者,而无需花费数小时学习复杂的软件程序。您可以使用裁剪、旋转和翻转等标准功能轻松改进照片;此外,还可以调整颜色和照明
Nero Photo Editor Perfect for beginners who want to enhance and personalise their digital images. Nero BackItUp Never lose valuable data again with automated backups to multiple destinations. Nero Lab products Nero Face Beautifier BETA Use artificial intelligence to make your profile picture on any so...
Nero Video 2024是Nero公司开发的一款强大的视频编辑程序。它是Nero Platinum Suite的一部分,主要作用是用来创建、编辑和导出视频和幻灯片。Nero Video软件提供高清、4K和8K的多轨视频编辑,有无数的模板和效果。基于AI的媒体管理,支持边缘到边缘的视频,以及专业的效果,如阿尔法通道(绿屏)和画中画效果,使制作好的视频变...
Nero MediaHome is perfect for users that already haveseveral media devicesthat they want to connect. It’s incrediblyeasy to useand offers asimple instruction manualfor users to share videos, music, and photos between all their devices. Users may not utilize its library and multimedia editing fun...
• Integrates TV time-shifting, DVD, video, photo and audio playback • Easy wizard...
Thiscategorycontainsthepossibletasksforphotoand editing.Thetasksdisplayeddependontheselectedmode. StandardmodeExpertmode MakeCD(VCD)MakeCD(VCD) (CDonly)(CDonly) MakeSuperCDMakeSuperCD (SVCD)(CDonly)(SVCD)(CDonly) MakeCDSlideshowMakeCDSlideshow ...
You need to use crontab command for editing or setting up your own cron jobs. - -### Types of cron configuration files - -There are different types of configuration files: - -- **The UNIX / Linux system crontab** : Usually, used by system services and critical jobs that requires root...
Explore hotkeys to replace, shift, and overwrite your clips, and say goodbye to the hassle of re-editing every time you swap clips. Nero PhotoSnap Nero PhotoSnap new AI tools update 1. Photo Restoration Fix scratches, colorize, and enhance faces with just one click! It’s perfect for revi...
Photopus (Sighwith) Digital image editing and management software which lets you pick any image saved from computer,... Published: May 15, 2017Popular Downloads Mareew File Recovery ReaCompressor - image optimizer Personal Finances Pro Multi-Browser Viewer PC Tools AntiVirus Free New...
Photopus (Sighwith) Digital image editing and management software which lets you pick any image saved from computer,... Published: May 15, 2017Popular Downloads Mareew File Recovery ReaCompressor - image optimizer Personal Finances Pro Multi-Browser Viewer PC Tools AntiVirus Free New...